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Officer Kayden's POV

I carried my baby out to my car and sat him in the front seat, next to mine. He whimpered as I walked over to the driver's side and got in.
"Aw Bubba its okay... I'm right here." I soothed him. I extended my hand and let him put his own in my grasp.
"Daddy's right here..." I gently comforted him. He sniffled and wiped his eyes before putting on his seat belt. I pulled out of the drive way and onto the main road while he fiddled with the radio stations.

We pulled into the stores parking lot and I parked quickly, unbuckling my baby before getting out of the car. He opened his car door and hopped out onto the pavement, running over to my side.
"Daddy!" He exclaimed, hugging me while giggling. I smiled and grabbed his hand while leading him into the store.
"Cmon baby, let's get you a teether!" I exclaimed, continuing to guide him. He smiled and followed me into the store. I bought him to the baby aisle and inspected the teethers he could use while he held my hand and leaned against me.
I picked out a standard water teether that was shaped like a cactus and looked down at Luca.

    "Does Bubba like this one?" I asked, holding the item in front of him. He quickly nodded and giggled reaching for it.
"Hold on Baby," I said giggling, "We gotta buy it first." He whined and reached farther for it, stomping his feet and crossing his arms when he couldn't reach it. I gave him a stern look before bending down a bit so we were eye to eye.

    "Listen, if you aren't a good boy, were gonna go home," I warned. He simply groaned in frustration and stomped again.
"M-me want!" He excaimed, jumping up for it. I stood up and held it up so he couldn't reach.
"No sir, we do not ask for things like that." I firmly scolded him.
"Now, let's go." I said, gently taking my baby's hand with my free one. He whined and just stomped again.

     I sighed and just picked him up quickly making our way to the self-checkout. He tried his best to get down by squirming but when that didn't work, he resorted to kicking me in the stomach, not hard enough to phase me. I continued to the checkouts and scanned the teether before puting it in the bag and getting out my wallet to pay. Luca continued to kick and wiggle in my grasp while I slid my card in the machine. As soon as the transaction was complete I put my card in my wallet, grabbed the bag, and carried the little one in my arms out to the car.

     I sat him in the passenger seat, him still not happy even after being put down. The second I put him down, he began kicking the dash board. I buckled him in while trying, and failing, not to get hit before walking around to the other side and buckling myself in. Before pulling out of the parking lot, I turned my body to face Luca.
"Baby, if you don't stop, we're gonna have to put you in time out." I warned him. He just kept going so I pulled out of the parking lot to begin driving home.

      We pulled out onto the main road and his whining had definitely diminished but by all means it was still going on.
"Want teethr!!" He grumpily mumbled. I pulled over to the side of the road and pulled the teether out of the target bag, opening the packaging and handing it to him. He snatched it from my hands and put it in his mouth, chewing on it.
"What do you say?" I asked him gently, expecting a half assed thank you but he just turned over in his seat and huffed. I sighed and pulled back onto the main road and began driving home again.

      I pulled into the houses driveway, not having said a word to each other since I gave him the teether.
"Bubba, I just want you to tell me what's wrong, okay? Daddy just wants to know what's up," I told him receiving no asnwer. I simply opened my door and walked over to open his. I looked at him, waiting for him to get out and walk inside considering how annoyed with me he seemed but he reached his arms out for me and I happily took him into my arms.

      I brought him up to the door, pulling keys out of my pocket and unlocking the door. I swung it open and walked inside with Luca. I sat him down on couch in the living room and sat in front of him on the floor.
"Bubbas..." I started, "What's up with you? Where's that good little boy I know you can be?" He sniffled and looked away, quickly wiping his eyes.
"J-jus reely wanted teether befor it gots taken away frum me..." He explained, his voice cracking and his breathing hitching here and there. I sighed and pulled him onto my lap from the couch.

      "Daddy's never gonna take you're little items from you, baby boy. You don't have to worry about that." I soothed him, kissing the top of his head and the tip of his nose. He crinkled his bridge of his nose up and giggled, wiping his tears away. He chewed on his teether and I smiled at him, noticing the mess he was making with his spit. I sighed playfully and pulled him closer to me, laying his head on my shoulder.

     I suddenly woke up to a crying little boy on top of me. Startled, I quickly sat up and tried to take in what all was happening. My little boy was just sitting in my lap, sobbing so hard he seemed like he might vomit. I pulled his small body against mine.
"S-shhhh... Daddy's right here..." I gently said, trying my best.
"D-daddy!" My little boy sobbed out. I nodded.
"Yes love. Daddy. I'm here..." I told him.
"D-daddy me miss hims! I thot he loved me....!" He exclaimed through tears.

      It was then I felt my heart break even more for the little boy in front of me.
"And its okay to feel that way..." I told him gently, "though they might be kind of angry feelings, it's okay to feel that way." He looked at me through teary eyes and nodded, trying to stop crying. I began rocking with my baby in my lap, patting his back rhythmically. I reached over and grabbed his teether from the coffee table, offering it to him. He opened his mouth slightly and reached for it. I handed it over and he slipped it into his mouth. He sniffled and chewed on it while his eyes were on me. When I looked back he quickly looked away.

      I chuckled and gently grabbed his  chin, turning his head to face me.
"What's my baby thinkin about?" I asked, looking him dead in his eyes. He blushed but didn't look away from me.
"U-um.. abowt dady.." He mumbled, taking the teether out of his mouth and trying not to break eye contact. I smkired and leaned closer to him.
"Oh yeah?" I asked. He nodded a little and bit his lip.
"Can I kiss you...?" I asked lowly, searching his eyes for any cues as to what he was feeling. He quickly nodded and closed his eyes, parting his lips a little. I leaned in and kissed him gently, wrapping my arms around my baby's waist.

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