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I woke up beside Dady, still in little space and probably deeper into it in all honesty. I babbles and climbed on Dadys chest, bouncing a little. I want Dady to wake up... I'm hungry. Dady shifted over to his side, making me fall onto the bed. I pouted and sat up on my knees, shaking Dady.
"U-up!" I shouted, shaking him harder. I heard him groan and turn to look at me.  I pointed at my tummy and Dady seamed to get the idea. He sighed and got out of bed, picking me up and bringing me to the kitchen.

Kayden POV

I sluggishly carried Luca into the kitchen and sat him down at the table. I braced myself on the wall and stretched big, making unholy noises. Jesus wouldn't approve half the shit I do, so I guess it doesn't much matter. I saw luca pick up something from the table and put it in his mouth. Alarmed I scanned the table for what it could've been, my eyes landing on the gummies he never finished. I sighed in relief and rubbed my face. Fuck that must've been a good sleep... I opened the refrigerator door and grabbed a yogurt cup, slowly sitting down at the table next to my baby. He looked at my 'breakfast with curiosity, making me Crack a small smile.
"You want a bite?" I asked, picking up my spoon and holding it next to his mouth.

He took it in his mouth and ate it, his face slowly changing from curious to grossed out the longer the yogurt was in his mouth. He swallowed it and looked at me, reaching up. I did what he wanted and he laid his body, limp against mine. I rubbed his back and continued to eat my food.
"I've got work again today, Babes." I told Luca, not even sure he was still awake. He pushed himself up and sat down on my lap, pouting a little.
"Mtays dady..." He said, whining a bit.
"I know, Baby. If I could stay home with you all day I would." I said, wrapping my arms around him.
"Dady call..?" He asked, his sentences not exactly complete.

So he's veryyy small, atleast 1 and a half. I'm definetly gonna have to ask Marcus to watch him.. I thought about it yesterday too, but I don't know how Marcus is gonna react and he was big enough to take care of himself.
"Baby, with how tiny you are I'm gonna ask Marcus to watch you okay? I don't want you getting hurt and Marcus is the only other one home." I told him, I don't wanna catch him off guard after I leave. He nodded a little but I don't know if he really knew what I was saying. Guess I should go ahead and ask Marcus. I took the last bite of what very few people would call breakfast, I tossed the spoon in the sink and the tub in the trash. I stood up with Luca in my hands and made my way up the stairs to Marcus' door.

I knocked a few times, hearing him groan and shuffle over to the door.
"Yeah?" He asked as soon as he saw me.
"Huge favor I gotta ask you. Can you please watch Luca for until I get home?" I asked.
"I'll pay you back after! He's just really deep in his regression and I can't leave him alone and I can't stay home from work." I tried to tell him before he could argue.
"Fine.." He agreed, sighing.
"Thank you!" I shouted. "I'll pay you this weekend after I cash my check. I don't care what you all do, just please don't do something where he'll get hurt."
"Yeah, yeah. Just get to work, we'll have a great time." He said in a monotone voice, holding out his hands for Luca. I handed him off, kissing his forhead and saying my goodbyes.

Marcus POV (finally!!!)

I took Luca and watched Kayden rush down the stairs, door slamming shut soon after. I took a deep breath and turned to Luca.
"How small?" I asked, trying to sound less mean than normal. He shrugged and put his thumb in his mouth. I nodded and mumbled an "alright". I turned on my heel and carried Luca into my room. I know Kayden said he was really underweight, but I still didn't expect him to feel this light. Whatever, not my fucking business. I sat him down on my bed and began thinking while he rocked himself a little on my bed.

What do little kids like? Going out? I guess I could take him to see my friends.. I mean, what harm could it do?
"You wanna go see my friend?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and picking up my phone. He nodded a bit and started messing with his mouth. I'll take his word for it. I unlocked my phone and opened my group chat with Veronica and a few of my other friends.

'U guys care if I come over? I've got Kaydens BF with me and he can't be home alone rn'- Marcus<3

'I don't care, we could hang out at my house. why can't he be home alone tho?'- Chris :l

'Yeah, isn't he like 20 something?'- Spade

'Is he little? If so I could explain :)'- Veronica

'Ya he is. Kayden said he's really deep into it and can't be safe by himself.' - Marcus<3

I left the group chat and shoved my phone in my pocket. Veronica could explain, she's good at that stuff. I looked over at the boy sitting in my bed who was watching the screen saver on my TV. He was in basket ball shorts and a t-shirt so I assume he needs to be put in new clothes. That's gonna be fun..
"Cmere, you gotta get dressed to go out." I told him, holding out my hands. He shuffled close so I could grab him and I did, setting him on my hip and bringing him downstairs into him and Kaydens room. There was a basket of clothes that seamed like they would fit Luca and I know Kayden went to get him some yesterday. Soooo, they're probably his. I sat him down onto the bed and dug through the basket finding boxers, a sage green t-shirt, and black sweatpants.

I set them next to Luca and thought about how to do this. I guess just do it, it's not like that unless I make it like that, right?
"I'm gonna help you get dressed, mkay?" I told him, picking up his boxers. I helped him pull down his shorts, quickly trading them out for the boxers. Alright, hard part over. I took the sweatpants and put them overtop before pulling off his shirt.
"Arms up, please." I mumbled, taking the shirt and pulling it over his head and arms.
"You hungry?" I asked, tossing the dirty clothes into the corner behind the door. He shook his head and I nodded, taking socks and putting them on him.

"Sit here, I'm gonna go get out shoes." I instructed him, scooting him back a little farther onto the bed. I hurried into the kitchen, grabbing our sneakers and bringing them back to the bedroom. He babbled words I didn't understand as I slipped his tennis shoes on before I put mine on as well. I picked him up and grabbed my wallet, out phones, and my keys. I shoved them into our pockets and walked out to the car, locking the house behind us. I sat him in the front passenger seat, buckling him in. I assume that since he can't talk well, he wouldn't be able to maneuver a seat belt and buckle it in.

I got into the driver side and started the car, checking the group chat and reading the last few messages.

'So he acts like a kid cus of his traumatic childhood?" - Spade

'Yep, and right now he's mentally even younger than when he's normally regressed. And that's why he can't be home alone rn' -Veronica

"I don't care if he comes over, Kaydens described him to me and he sounds cute anyways so I gotta see him in person lmao'- Chris :l

'Simp. But I can confirm, he is cute. Met him at the park with Kayden and he was super shy tho :('- Jacob

"Aww, poor kid. But, I'm actually kinda interested in what the age regression stuff looks like, so I'm not against him coming over either.'- Spade

"Alr, I'm omw with him rn. Probably like 15 minutes.'- Marcus<3

I exited the chat and plugged my phone into the aux cord, begining to play my playlist filled with The Front Bottoms, MCR, Peirce The Veil. Basically my 'emo music'. I turned out of the driveway onto the main road, begining the venture to my friends house.

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