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Luca POV

As we drove home I could feel myself slipping into little space, mostly from the dull anxious feeling I had. When Dady parked in the driveway and got out of the car without un-buckling me, I whined.. I pouted and whimpered when he got out anyways. I was about to get myself out of the car when Dady opened my door, smiling at me.
"Dady!" I exclaimed, kicking my leggies. He unbuckled me and picked me up, kissing my cheek.
"D-dady I wan real kiss.." I mumbled, wrapping my leggies around his waist. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips, gently. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him back, some what frowning when he pulled away. Dady closed and locked the car before opening the front door of the house. He sat me down on the floor and I whimpered.
"up..?" I immediately asked, reaching uppies.

"Hang on, Love." He said, walking past me into the bedroom.
"W-want!" I cried, stomping a bit. I want Dady to hold me.. I'm socially and mentally drained so I need Dady to cuddle me and give me kisses. I whined and sat down on the floor, whimpering. I felt tears fill my eyes but I didn't wanna cry. I know Dady needs to do something so I shouldn't cry. But I need Dady.. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I tried to wipe them away.
"Hey, hey. I'm right here." Dady said, sitting down next to me. I quickly climbed into his lap and wiped away my tears, trying not to whine.
"What do you need from me, Hun?" He gently asked.
"Lovies.." I mumbled, sniffling. He kissed the tip of my nose and my lips.

"I love you so much, Baby. If I could, I'd kiss you and cuddle you all day every day. I'd rub your back and scratch your head and carry you where ever." He whispered into my ear, my head buried in his chest. I yawned and held Dady tight, while he whispered to me.
"Aw, you're a sleepy little boy. Aren't you?" He quietly asked, making me nod.
"Ya.. I wan Dady cuddle me til beddie bye.." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.
"Alright, Baby. Lets get you to beddie bye." He mumbled, standing up with me and carrying me into the bedroom. He sat me on the bed and I pouted but let him turn off the main light and my night light on. I struggled to unbutton my pants but eventually got it and unzipped them too.
"You're such a big boy, look at you." Dady said, smiling and helping me take off my pants. Dady took his off and climbed into bed with me, covering us with the blankets. I snuggled up to him and he smiled, hugging me and rubbing my back. I closed my eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a start, shooting up and breathing hard. I don't even remember what my nightmare was, just that it was scary. I took a big breath, looking over where Dady was supposed to be. He wasn't there..? I got put of bed and sniffled before walking around the house. I couldn't find him anywhere... Then a car pulled up. I peeked out the kitchen window and it was Dady's car.
"Huh?" I asked myself. He got out and walked up to the house, unlocking he door and flipping on the light. He glanced at me and stared at me, shocked.
"What are you doing up?" He finally asked.
"H-had a nightmare... Why was you gone?" I whispered, wiping the tears from my face.
"I needed to take a drive." He said vaguley, sitting down at the kitchen table.

I don't know why I feel like he left cause of me. Like something I had done earlier.
"My fault?" I quietly asked, sniffling.
"No, Baby. I was just overthinking and driving calms me down." He said, scratching his face. I reached for Dady and he picked me up, setting me in his lap. I kissed his cheek and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Is Dady sleepy..?" I asked, starting to shiver. He shook his head a little, holding me close.
"I luvies you Dady!" I exclaimed, smiling a bit. I was starting to wake up a bit and I was starting to get more clingy. Dady smiled and kissed my lips.
"That makes me happy.. I love you too." He said, scratching my head.
"Dady I get juice..?" I asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Of course, Lovely. How could I say no to your cute face?" He said, standing up and grabbing my sippy cup. I kicked my leggies in anticipation while he poured my juice and screwed on the lid.

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