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A few minutes into it playing, the front door opened.
"Dady?!" I shouted, sitting up on my knees and looking out into the kitchen. He smiled at me and sat down his stuff on the table. I slid off the couch and wobbled, holding onto the couch. I toddled my way over to Dady, holding onto different things as I went.. I got I to the kitchen and grabbed onto Dadys shirt. He chuckled and picked me up, pausing after he did.
"Why do you smell like weed..?" He mumbled. I squirmed in his arms and didn't look at him.
He kinda stormed into the living room, Marcus turning around to look at him.
"What?" He asked after turning down the movie.

"You both smell like weed." He said, apparently not needing to say more because Marcus' face dropped.
"I didn't mean to do it. I took him to my friends and they wanted to smoke." He said, holding Dadys stare. I felt tension build and held Dady close. I don't want him to get mad at me and think I wanted to smoke.
"But, he didn't smoke anything! The smoke ended up blowing into his face, and I even took him home when they wanted to drink." Marcus continued.

"He could've got contact high! And he might've, depending on how much you smoked! Plus you don't know what his parents might've done with weed while he was with them, knowing their track record they probably did something fucked." Dady shouted, making me tear up a bit. I still don't like shouting and it made me feel sad when Dady mentioned my parents. They started arguing about how much they smoked. Why I shouldn't have gone. How come it didn't matter. Tears rolled down my face and I silently cried, Dady not noticing. That only made me cry more. I let put a loud wail as I began sobbing, trying to stop the tears from flowing. They both suddenly stopped arguing, going silent and both focusing on me.

Dady stared bouncing me on his hip, mumbling a cuss word and sitting down next to Marcus. He moved me onto his lap and rubbed my back.
"Bubbas, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you with the yelling.." He said, trying to soothe me. It didn't really work. Dady handed me over to Marcus before getting up and rushing to the kitchen. I started crying even more, thinking Dady left me cus I was too much.
"D-dady!!" I shouted, wiping my face. I slammed my head down onto Marcus' chest, sobbing into his shirt.
I heard Dady run back into the living room, my head snapping up. He sat down next to me and in seconds I was crawling into his lap, gripping onto his shirt.

"M-m sorry!" I shouted. Dady lifted my head up and wiped my tears away, them quickly being replaced with more, and he slipped a paci into my mouth. I sniffled and gasped, trying to calm down.
"Shhh.." He mumbled, pulling me close. I cried and sniffled, my breathing shaky. He rocked me back and forth, kissing my forhead. My crying got a little quieter as Dady soothed me. Marcus squirmed a bit, looking uncomfy.
"You can go upstairs, if you want." Dady said, Marcus nodding and getting up. He went upstairs and Dady tried to set me down on the couch, making me grab his shirt hard.
"N-no!"  I cried, clinging to him. He sighed and laid next to me, pulling me onto him. My tummy rumbled and I sniffled.

"If I made you something, would you eat it?" Dady asked. I shook my head a little.
"S-sickies.." I mumbled.
"What happened there Baby? What happened at Chris' house?" Dady asked me.
"I got hiccups an.. an dey started smoking an it got in my face and it made my tummy hurt.." I said around the paci, rubbing my face on Dadys chest.
"I'm sorry, Babes. I thought today would go better.." Dady apologized, visibly upset.

[Warning for 'graphic' throwing up/ dry heaving/ gagging]

I quickly sat up, feeling a huge wave of neasua hit me, and began dry heaving and gagging, spitting out my paci. No no no! I don't wanna get sick all night! Tears slowly streamed down my face as I tried hard to get a breath in. I eventually did and my lip quivered.
"D-dady!" I whined before I started again. He got up and picked me up, hurrying into the bathroom and setting me in front of the toilet on my knees. I eventually actually threw up, but it was all stomach acid and burnt my throat. I took a huge, deep breath and felt so much better. Dady grabbed a paper towel and wiped off my face, flushing the toilet.

[Warning over, there will still be mentions of throwing up]

He stood up, offering me his hand which I took. I hoisted myself up and regretted it as soon as I did, getting dizzy. I clung onto him and prayed me didn't move me for a bit. He must've gotten the message because he stood still, putting his hands on the small of my back. After a bit I nodded and reached up for Dady. He took me in his arms and brought me into the kitchen, neasua hitting me again. Even thought of food is making me sick.

I shook my head at Dady and tried to wiggle out of his arms. He was confused but sat me down, and I pulled on Dady's sleeve, trying to get him to go with me. I let me drag him into the bedroom, and he closed the door, hoisting me up on the bed. I gagged again, Dady quickly grabbing the trash can next to the nightstand and holding it up to me. I ended up vomiting and felt icky. I don't know how Dady could love me when I'm all gross, but he still climbed into bed and sat the thrash can next to the bed.

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