𝒙𝒙𝒊. good news

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8x24 {cont.}


       CASEY WILLOWS DIDN'T NECESSARILY GET ALONG WITH ERIN STRAUSS AT THE START. She was more irritated with the fact that it seemed like she was always after the team. And it always seemed like Strauss never liked having the youngster around when Casey was still in high school. But Casey grew up and Strauss did, as well. And that had definitely changed their relationship.

       Especially when Casey finally had something to relate to with her boss — their drinking problems. But she had no idea that she would be losing Strauss to the same battle she was fighting.

As they lowered Erin's casket to the ground, the team had made their way to their limo and Rossi had invited the team over to his place. They had a reception for her there and when everyone left, it had been just them. They were currently in Rossi's backyard, swapping war stories about Strauss.

      "It had to be a perfect round. And sure enough, coming right back at me was the target. And it was blasted right through the chest. The goggles come off... and it's Strauss." Morgan laughed and Casey smiled at the story. "I mean, I was like, what? I would have never believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. That woman... she was one hell of a shot."

       "Um... do you guys remember that one time that she called me, but I thought that it was somebody else?" Garcia asked, tossing a thumb over to Morgan, who chuckled. "Oh, no. That was funny." Garcia laughed, "Oh, maybe to you. I was mortified."

       Both Blake and Casey had been the most confused, they hadn't heard this one before. "What did you say?" Blake asked. "I said, 'Talk dirty to me.'" Casey gasped and began to laugh. "No, you didn't!" Morgan nodded, "Yes, she did."
        At one point in the night, it hadn't gotten quiet and now everyone just looked another, just appreciative of the moments they had with each other and that they had all stuck together throughout all of the issues and problems they had come across and fought against. This team was like no other and they were glad to more of a family than just a team that chased criminals.

       Rossi had then proposed a toast and everyone looked towards the man. "Last year, right here, we had a... very different celebration. Of life, of love, and good people." Casey smiled, remembering JJ's wedding.

       "This year it's the, uh, other side of that. Because, well... that's what families do. It's been a hard year." Casey and Spencer looked at one another as Rossi said that sentence. They had overcome a lot of hardships this year. Telling the team they were together, Casey getting kidnapped, Casey on crutches, communicating more as a couple and now, their new secret... it was all happening so fast.

       Everyone had held glasses up, all except for Casey. "But tonight... we celebrate a life well lived... well loved... to a good woman... an even better mother... to our friend... who I will miss very much." As everyone clinked their glasses together, someone had noticed a missing variable in their little clinking game.

      "Casey, come on! Get a toast with us." Morgan encouraged. Casey had then looked at Spencer and realized that they hadn't told the team yet and she didn't know how to get herself out of this one. "Uh, I can't." She said.

       "Sure you can. Come on." Morgan tells.
       "No, I mean, I really can't."
       "Yes, you really can."
       "No, Morgan, I really can't." Casey didn't know how to say it, so maybe her behavior could say it for her.

        Then, Garcia and JJ exchanged a look. "Wait..." JJ muttered. "Wha—?" Garcia looked at both Spencer and Casey. "Ohhh. Are you... and you—?"

       Spencer looks over at Casey. "Uh... you sure want to...?" He assures and Casey shrugs, "I mean..."

       "Are you... actually...?" Garcia asks.

       "Yes?" Casey says, slightly confused herself. "I'm lost." Blake admits. "Same here." Hotch nods.

       "Come on, guys, we're profilers!" Rossi tells and motions towards the girl. "Casey's got a bun in the oven!"

       The entire team looks Casey's way in disbelief. "What?!" Garcia asks.

       Casey then takes a deep breath and looks at each member of her team before going: "I'm... I'm pregnant."

       "Oh, my gosh!" Garcia stands up from her seat and rushes over to Casey. "You're having a baby genius!?" She hugs the woman as JJ gets out of her seat as well to hug the woman.

        Morgan looks at Spencer. "Reid, I sincerely didn't know you had it in you." Rossi nods, "Telling me, who would've known this would've happened." He chuckles. "I feel old." Casey laughs, "You're already old." Rossi raises an eyebrows, "So are you, Mom-To-Be." He raises a glass to Casey. "Congratulations. To you, both."

       Garcia hugs around Casey and puts an ear to Casey's stomach. "Hi, baby!" She cheers as both JJ and Garcia hug the woman.

       Although, their circumstances led them to a death in their nuclear family, the good had certainly outweighed some of the bad and in a time like this, a miracle had come from this situation and Casey was grateful to bring this miracle upon the team in these circumstances. Now, she was going to be facing the biggest challenge of all this upcoming year... and that was motherhood.

el oh el s8 is OVERRRRRand now we're onto s9I AM SO EXCITED REID IS SO HOTsorry lost control anywaysssssssssssi love you guys, thank you for reading mwah🫶-mya </33333

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el oh el s8 is OVERRRRR
and now we're onto s9
sorry lost control
i love you guys, thank you for reading mwah🫶
-mya </33333

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