𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. russian stakeout

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SPENCER REID AND CASEY WILLOWS ARRIVED INSIDE OF THE CONFERENCE ROOM, BOTH YAWNING SIMULTANEOUSLY. It was 3am and the team was called in for another case — surprise, surprise.

Morgan is the first to notice the tired couple. "Rough night, you two?" He asked, looking towards them. "You could say that." Spencer said. "We finally got Christopher a regular bed for him to sleep in but he refuses to stay in it." Casey stated. "We woke up like five times in the middle of the night to put him back in his bed." Spencer told.

"We encouraged his behavior in climbing into bed with us all the time while we were sleeping but if we keep encouraging it, he's gonna keep doing it." Casey explained. "So, Spencer and I kept taking turns putting him back in bed until we got the call."

"So you two barely got any sleep?" JJ asked. "None." Casey shook her head. "And thank you again, Kate for letting us drop him off at your house. I hope it's not much trouble." Casey tells, grabbing Kate's hand. "No worries. With the new baby coming, my Chris doesn't mind taking a few shifts with your Chris." Kate jokes.

Suddenly, both Hotch and Garcia walk in, ready to deliver their case. They start by showing off security footage of a woman on the top of a staircase. "And that was the last known sighting of Sophie Troy, at 2:37 p.m. on a surveillance video." Garcia informed. "She was coming from having lunch with her husband, and she was going home using the congressional underground tunnels."

"Okay, so it's 3am now. She's been gone a little over 12 hours. That doesn't qualify as a missing person yet." Kate told. "Why are we looking into it?" Casey asked. "The director's personally asked us to handle the case." Hotch answers. "Her husband is Congressman Benjamin Troy, which makes her a VIP." Rossi added on.

"Well, the question is, who's the real target, Sophie or her husband? I mean, is this an attempt to influence him?" Morgan questioned. "Well, the Congressman isn't very high profile. It's his first term, and he has views which have made him unpopular on both sides of the aisle." JJ explained.

"Sophie's a healthcare lawyer on the DC museum board.
What was her schedule after lunch? Do you know?" Spencer asked. "Yeah. She was gonna go home, and then she had a foundation meeting at 7:00. She didn't make either." Garcia told.

"Then when she wasn't home by 12:30, the Congressman called family and friends before contacting Capitol police at 1:45. We were notified a half an hour later." Hotch added on.

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