𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒙. first few weeks

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        THE FIRST FEW WEEKS WERE ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY FOR THE WILLOWS-REID APARTMENT. First, Spencer and Casey had finally brought their newborn back to their home. Morgan and Garcia — appointed the new godparents — had lingered just to stare at the newborn baby in front of them.

         Eventually, Casey had to tell the two scamper off before they could eat him up. Now, Spencer and Casey were left with their child, staring at him themselves and amazed that they had brought such a delicate thing into the world.

They were then left with the simple question as they gazed on him.

Now what?

Well, it was simple.


And of course, that didn't last for too long with baby Christopher now being a part of the picture. Both Spencer and Casey often took turns to calm him and keep him quiet. This went on from 1am to 1:30am to 1:45am to 2am and so forth. Eventually, the two couldn't keep up with whose turn it was and both stayed up with the baby.

(Christopher was currently sleeping in a drawer since the crib wasn't quite finished yet... hey, the baby was two weeks early, they thought they would've had more time to prepare).

As they kept trying to find ways to calm the baby down, it was like it was the baby against them. Christopher kept crying and screaming and drinking milk and... pooping. (Casey and Spencer definitely flipped a coin for that one).

Once the clock struck 5am, it had occurred to Spencer Reid and Casey Willows that this parenting thing was gonna be harder than they thought.

Week 1

The first Spencer and Casey had to get to business with, they had to fix the crib up for the baby. Casey, at first, left Spencer to the job of fixing it but... to be honest, he wasn't doing a good job of doing so.

Casey eventually decided to help Spencer but quickly realized she wasn't much help either. With no other way to get this thing together, the two decided to have their next best option available.

Calling their good friend, Derek Morgan, to build it for them.

Morgan had come over and helped build the nursery and didn't need any help at all, he knew what to do. Casey knew he could do it based on how many houses he had helped build with his construction work side hustle.

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