𝒙𝒍𝒊. angels

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SO MANY THINGS HAD GONE WRONG IN A SPLIT SECOND. Wrong place, wrong time. Casey knew that her gut was in the right on this one. It always was. How did still manage to face danger when her gut had repeatedly told her not to?

        She should've been standing right there. It should've been her. Oh, God, it should've been her. It was beginning to turn into a blood bath. And Spencer Reid was right in the middle of it.

The bullet shot out and hit him through the neck. He landed on the gravel with a hard thud. Shots were fired through the air. Casey blinked hard, trying to think that her mind was playing tricks on her. He was only trying to help Blake. He was only trying to help Blake. He was only trying to help Blake. He was helping someone, it's what he always did.

Casey tried to fight through Morgan's and JJ's grip on her as she tried to get to him before he could bleed out. Morgan had eventually loosened his group on the girl, leaving only JJ to hold the girl back. Morgan swiped the boy's unconscious boy away from the crossfire and pulled him to a safer area with Blake.


How did they get themselves into that mess?


CASEY GROANED ONCE SHE RECEIVED THE TEXT THAT THE TEAM WAS NEEDED FOR A NEW CASE. They had just gotten home. The girl was ready to put her feet, watch some Friends, maybe even cuddle up with her fiancé a bit. But, no, the job was more important.

So, Spencer and Casey had arrived at the same time as Blake had. "This again?" Blake sighed. "You miss another flight to see James?" Spencer asked, curiously. "Worse," Blake said. "He came here. He's cooking and watching "House Hunters" without me. You know, he'd better not try to make an offer again." Blake mutters that last part to Casey and Spencer, since they were the only ones that had known what happened between them.

The three walk over to JJ, Rossi, Morgan, Vivian and Garcia, who were all talking to one another. "So, we get Henry to bed, and, you know, we're about to finally have some alone time with mommy and daddy, and... you guys know the rest." JJ tells.

"Ah, trying to dust off the old cobwebs." Morgan joked as Garcia hit him on the shoulder. "Inappropriate!" She scolded. "What?" Morgan chuckled.

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