𝒙𝒄𝒊𝒙. not alone

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          DESPITE ALL OF THE HARD PUNCHES COMING HER WAY RECENTLY, CASEY WILLOWS WAS GOING BACK TO WORK. It wasn't ideal and she argued with Emily about it for the past week, but Casey needed a case to get her mind off of her everything.

           She'd yet to tell anyone about her pregnancy. Not even Spencer knew yet. Casey thought that right now wouldn't be the best time to announce it. Maybe later down the road if she felt comfortable but as of right now, she was keeping it quiet.

            The team hadn't even suspected, especially with all the crap she was currently going through. Here, they were, by Spencer's desk as they discussed what happened at the trial. "You think Reid should have taken the plea deal?" Luke asks and JJ immediately shakes her head. "Absolutely not."

         "Now that it's off the table, he's looking at 25 years to life." Tara spoke. "So you think he should have?" JJ questioned but Tara shook his head. "No. I'm just saying, 25 years is a long time. And as we know, juries are fickle."

        "I still can't believe the judge denied bail." Stephen said. "Did you guys see the look on his face when they led him out of that courtroom?" JJ asked. "Did you see Casey's? She looked devastated." Tara added. "And the fact that's she's coming back today." JJ followed.

         Stephen checks his watch. "She should be here by now, right?" He asks. "She's probably taking time. But don't treat her like she's going through something painful. She hates that treatment." JJ told the three.

       "What are we gonna do? About Reid?" Luke asked and Garcia had walked into the room when she heard this. "Oh, newbie, oh, newbie, I'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna send him letters every day, we're gonna put money in his commissary account, we are going to send him puzzles, magazines, books, whatever we can think of to make sure those gorgeous gears inside that boy wonder brain are lubed up and in perfect working order to keep us on track." Garcia planned.

       "I took the liberty of making a chart." Garcia holds up a poster-board and she called it 'Reid Contact Schedule'. At the top of the visitor's list had been Casey's name. "Good idea, Penelope." Tara comments. Garcia nods, "Yes, I couldn't agree more. Also, if you've noticed, there is a visitation schedule."

       "I get Casey being the first up top, but you? Why do you get to go see Reid first after her?" Luke questioned. Garcia glares his way. "Because I made the chart. And if anyone has any problem with that, tough noogies."

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