𝒄. hope

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CASEY WILLOWS HATED THE FACT THAT SHE HAD BEEN DREADING TODAY ALL DAY. Today would be the day she'd be visiting her husband in prison. The smell reminded her of the times she'd gone to visit her father in prison. She thought she would've been done with these visits.

Casey looked around at the women visiting their husbands or boyfriends or baby daddies in prison, all waiting to be let in like her. Casey notices the tattoos on the women, their nails done, their smacking of gum, their sizes varied from big to small in body.

The Willows looked down at what she was wearing. A cardigan that belonged to her husband with a t-shirt underneath and some denim jeans. She didn't look like she belonged with these women. She didn't. Just like her husband didn't belong here.

Soon enough, the visitors were let and took spots behind the tiny bit of glass that was in between the inmate and the visitor. And when the inmates were finally let in, Casey kept an eye for her husband and when she finally saw him, her stomach fluttered with grieving butterflies. She hardly recognized him, she actually skipped over him to try and find him but when she was met with a man with sad eyes, ever-growing hair and stubble growing in, she realized it was her husband.

Once Spencer saw his wife, his stomach leaped. He didn't know if whether it was from fear or maybe because he had waited for this day for a while. On one hand, he didn't want his wife knowing what went on in here but on the other, he missed her and wanted to see her. He quickly made his way to go and see her and Casey stood in front of the glass and so did Spencer. The only thing keep them apart was this glass.

"Hi." Casey said shakily. "Hi." Spencer said after and the both of them went to go reach for a hug but were immediately interrupted by a guard standing by. "No touching." He ordered, looking right at them. Casey stood back and so did Spencer and they both sat down in their seats.

The only thing they could both do was stare at one another before Casey started, "How are you doing?" She asked. "I'm... okay," Spencer looked like he wanted to say so much but he didn't want to upset her with the details. "How are you doing?" He asks.

Casey shrugged, "I could be better." She stated. "How's Chris? How's my mom? Are they okay?" Spencer asked and Casey nods, "Chris is okay. Isaac is taking him to his appointment today and your mom, she's okay. I saw her yesterday. She asked about you. Cassie said she was having a really good day so I decided to pop in to check." Spencer had known via Casey's letter that she and Chris were currently staying with Leah for the time being.

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