𝒍𝒙𝒙. sweet, sweet dreams

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CASEY WILLOWS OFTEN LIKED HAVING ROM-COM MOVIES NIGHTS WITH HER SISTER. And now that she was practically raising a teenage daughter, she liked having that bonding time with both Leah and Lennox. Especially since she had a lot of the time now what with Spencer being gone.

The three were currently in PJs at Casey's place, Christopher asleep in the other room, watching Titanic. And since Lennox had never seen it, Casey and Leah obviously had to introduce her to a classic.

"You know, to this day, I still don't understand why she didn't just share the board with Jack." Leah stated as she tossed a handful of popcorn in her mouth. "Because he loved her and he was willing to sacrifice his body warmth because he loved her." Casey told as she took a chug of her soda.

"Still, there was room on that board. She could've moved over at least a little bit." Lennox told, she was sitting on the ground on a beanbag chair while Casey and Leah sat on the couch. "See, it's her first time watching it and she gets it." Leah told as Lennox chuckled.

Leah's phone buzzed on the table next to the couch for what seemed to be the millionth time it had. Casey looked over as Leah checked her phone and smiled. She'd been doing that all night and both Lennox and Casey both seemed to notice as the night went on.

"Okay, that is the three-hundredth time your phone has buzzed. Who are you talking to, missy?" Casey inquired, raising a brow as she turned her attention to the girl next to her. "Someone." Leah shrugged, teasingly as she put her phone down.

"Someone?" Lennox asked next, now interested in the topic. "It's just this guy I've been talking to." Leah shook her head, not seeing what a big deal it was. "Just a guy you've been talking to? There's a guy?" Casey asked, wanting Leah to delve in deeper as she scooted closer.

       "Look, we just started talking. He came into the diner a month ago, stuck up for me while I was dealing with a shitty customer and he's been coming in for a few weeks and we finally exchanged numbers and here we are." Leah told. "Oh, so you guys had a meet cute?" Lennox asked next and Leah just chuckled at the attention she was now getting. "Been there, done that." Casey commented as she took the popcorn from Leah's bowl. "What's his name?" She asked next.

      "Wes," Leah told and both Casey and Lennox raised eyebrows to one another. "And I'm not giving you his last name, you're just gonna have Penelope look him up." It was times like this that Casey wished Leah didn't learn fast about her team. "You can't blame a girl for being snoopy." Casey told.

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