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That night, we went home since we had work the next morning, and I still had to get my clothes set out. I made Jacob carry me inside by non-verbally reaching up for him after he opened my car door. That morning, work was slow. I wore the low-rise jeans my momma gave me a couple of years ago and a red long-sleeve since it matched my hair.
"I need help putting my hair up," I told Jacob after he finally finished brushing his teeth. I had been trying to do it like him for the past 7 minutes, but I just couldn't.
"Come here, baby," He mumbled, setting his toothbrush down. I turned around and let him pull it into a bun for me. When I do then, they don't hold all day like I need them to. He secured it and told me to go get my shoes on.
"Grab a jacket, too. You're gonna be cold," He added. I knew he was right, so I listened.

Nothing abnormal happened at work, so I wasn't super drained after my shift. The only mentionable thing I can think of is that Spade stopped by to give Jacon something. I figured it was something he left last night and didn't think anymore on it. So when Jacob asked to go on a walk with me, I said sure.
"It's good I wore these jeans then, cause the other one I was thinking about wearing feel gross to walk in for too long," I said, taking hold of his hand as we started walking down the sidewalk towards a nearby park. It was sorta late, so not many kids were out. It was probably 11ish if I had to guess. I took my hair down with my free hand since it was starting to hurt being up for too long.
"You look good in anything, baby," He complimented me. I watched a teen on a skateboard fly down the road, hearing him yell something.
"You think he's gonna crash?" Jacob asked me, making me gasp.
"That's so wrong to think about. I don't wanna will that into existence," I said, smiling a little. I was smiling only because I was talking to my favorite person, not because I was thinking about some kid crashing their skateboard.

We walked and talked for about half an hour or so before a kitty ran across the street, onto the sidewalk in front of us before stopping and laying on its back while stretching out.
"Kitty!" I gasped, making Jacob stop while I crouched down and cooed at it, begging for it to come over. It slowly got up and walked over to me, putting his head in my outstretched hand.
"Hi, baby," I continued, petting its head and back.
"Jakey, she's so cute," I whined, looking back at my boyfriend while continuing to scratch her.
"Baby, she's got a collar," He pointed out. I frowned a little and used both hands to pick her up. I made little kissey noises at her before she started to try and wriggle away. I set her back down and stood up, about to complain when Jacob started talking.

"Luca, I don't think there's gonna be a better time to do this before I chicken out. And I don't know how else to ask other than be direct about it, but I can't imagine ever loving anyone else like I love you. I really think that you are one of the best things to happen to me," He told me, confusing me only a little. I love him too, but why's he telling me now. He reached into his coat pocket and kneeled down. No fucking chance! He is not proposing! Is he?! He couldn't like me that much, right? But what else does someone do that for?
"Baby, do you wanna be my husband?" He asked, pulling out a ring box and opening it for me.
"Fuck yes!" I basically screamed, pulling him onto his feet and kissing him hard. I started softly crying, but I wasn't sad. I don't think I've ever cried because I was happy before, but I've heard a bunch of people talk about why they have.

When I finally pulled away, he took my left hand and slid a beautiful silver ring onto my ring finger. It was the tiniest but big, so I didn't feel panicked that it was gonna get stuck. I was at a loss for words, so I resorted to squeezing Jacob so tightly in a hug that I was a little concerned it might've hurt.
"Do you like it? I made Spade hold onto it for me so I couldn't lose it," He asked.
"I love it!" I responded, running my fingers around it, just feeling the stones.
"Are you ready to head home now? Because, oh my God, it's getting so cold," Jacob asked. I nodded and gripped his hand with my left one. I was walking on the inside of the sidewalk because I was paranoid about tripping and falling into the road.

The walk home, we continued to talk. But now it was about wedding preferences.
"I don't want like a really big one cause I don't have family to really invite," I answered after Jacob asked.
"We can just invite mine. My mom already loves you like family," Jacob mentioned.
"I love your family," I mumbled. As we approached the apartment complex, I subconsciously walked a little faster than before. Both because it's cold and because I was gonna test the waters on if Jacob would be in the mood to mess around.

We finally made it inside, and I stripped my shoes and socks off with Jacob.
"I know it's cold outside, but I can't deal with jeans anymore," I mumbled, unbuttoning them.
"Baby, don't strip in front of the windown," Jacob laughed a little. I smiled with him and moved out of the way.
"God, I didn't know you were an exhibitionist," He joked.
"Would that be a deal breaker for you?" I asked back.
"Never tried it before. Should my first time be with you?" He asked, flirtingly. I stipped off my jeans before kissing him, which happened to be in front of the window again.
"You want me to fuck you where people can see? Show everyone you're all mine?" He tauntingly asked after he pulled away, pressing me against the window. I cheekily smiled and nodded a little.

We weren't even on the first floor, so for someone to see us, they'd have to look up on the second floor and specifically look at our apartment. I doubted anyone would see, but that didn't change the excitement I felt.

He was rough. Damn I loved it, but still he was.
"Does it fit okay?" He randomly asked me after while we were laying on the couch.
"Huh?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.
"The ring, baby. Does it need to be smaller?" He clarified, making me shake my head.
"I think if it's any smaller, it would feel like it was stuck," I answered.
"Baby, that's sorta the point," He commented.
"I don't like 'em like that," I mumbled, running my finger over the stones.
"You sure you won't lose it?" Jacob asked. I thought about it for a second, and as badly as I wanted to say yes, I knew it was a high probability with me.
"No..." I said, pouting a little.
"It'll be okay, baby. We'll make it the littlest bit smaller so you're less likely to lose it," He told me, making me feel little.
"You... keep it safe?" I asked, trying to force myself to stay big.
"Are you my little baby?" He asked, taking it and unclipped his necklace that his friend gave him.
"Noooo..." I lied, biting my fingers. He slid the ring onto his necklace chain and put it back on, giving me a doubtful look.

"Come here, Bubba. You gotta be sleepy," Dady told me, holding his arms out. I let him pick me up and carry me to the bedroom, dropping me down and making me giggle.
"Jammies?" I instantly asked as he opened my dresser drawers. I gotta work tomorrow, but I just wanna lay down and go to sleep with Dady. I really hope the whole wedding thing is gonna go okay without any major hiccups. I'm gonna tell myself it won't, to try and make it happen.

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