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[Luca POV]

That night, we went to bed early. I was struggling to deal with the feeling of pants or boxers, and I seriously didn't wanna wear any to bed. So I didn't. Jacob didn't mind, just told warned me not to move too much when I was cuddling him.
I woke up at 7 a.m. 7 in the fucking morning. We didn't have to go in until 11, so I had 3 and a half hours until I had to be ready to leave. I laid in bed until I felt hungry, which was probably only an hour later. I opened and shut the cabinets a few times, looking for breakfast until I just settled on toast and jelly. I cut off the crust before I put it in the toaster because if I tried to after, it would be cold by the time it was done. Plus, it would make a mess on the counter. When it was done, I had the want to sit on the table. I wouldn't get yelled at for it, and I really just had the want to. I thought, 'I'm an adult. I can do that if I want to, right? Yeah. Jacob wouldn't get mad," before sitting in the middle of it.

When Jacob woke up, I was basically done with my second piece of toast. He didn't look like how I do when I normally first wake up. He was alert, not groggy.
"Baby, why are you on the table?" He asked, smiling at me.
"I just wanted to," I said, shrugging.
"You still don't have boxers on," He told me. I figured he said it cause of how I was sitting.
"I'm sitting criss-cross! You can't see my dick, can you?" I asked.
"Just sorta," He said, "I'm not complaining, baby. I just didn't think you'd wanna be flashing me,"
"I'll move when I'm done eating," I sighed.

"You staying up there?" Jacob asked as he set his bowl in the sink. I shook my head and reached for him.
"Help," I half whined, a little scared to get down on my own.
"Are you little?" Jacob asked me like how you'd ask a child if they're sure they didn't have to pee. I shrugged some because I wasn't sure. I was teetering on the edge of it, but I didn't have a definitive answer for him. He told me to get dressed so we could meet Jane before our shift for something. I didn't look into it and just took it at face value, and went to go find clothes after he helped me down.
I didn't know what to wear. I could only remember it had to be black pants and dark colored shirts. I grabbed the first pair of black jeans from my drawers and a dark blue long sleeve. I really wanted Jacob to do my hair. He told me a little while ago he could French braid, so I was working up the courage to go beg him to do it for me.

"Jakey!" I called out after I got dressed, running to find him. He was in the bathroom, rinsing the sink from brushing his teeth.
"You French braid?" I asked, consciously talking in a norm voice but failing to ask in a complete sentence.
"Mhm. You want me to do that for you, baby?" He asked, making me nod. He made me sit in the sink with my back to him while he split it down the middle, braiding it one side at a time but not braiding all the way down. He did to the end of my scalp and then let the rest of the hair be regular pigtails. I thought it looked really cute. I tried to get down on my own from the sink, but felt like I was gonna fall.
"Help?" I asked, needing to brush my teeth. And to do that, I couldn't be sitting in the sink.

We got to work, and I was informed I'd be serving tables today; not hosting. Normally, I'd look at that as an opportunity for more tips, but today, it was scary. I got seated with my first table and was already going over what I had to say, quietly to myself, just to make myself talk regularly.
"Hi, I'm Luca. 'M gonna be your server today. Can I get you guys' drinks?" I asked. Fuck yeah, I got through the first mandatory statement without it being that bad. But, a while later, I wasn't so lucky.
"Can I get you a-a-a.. um a-another Coke?" I asked, screaming at myself in my head for stuttering but trying to make myself smile through it. He laughed at me, making the people he was with start laughing too. I felt like I was in high school again. My expression faded to trying not to start crying. They laughed way longer than was necessary before telling me yeah and then mocking me to his table.

I picked up the cup and walked faster than normal to the kitchen, stepping inside and tossing it in the sink. I grabbed a new one from the drying rack before going to fill it. I dropped the cup off at their table, unable to say anything else to them without it being obvious I was about to cry. They didn't even acknowledge me. I wasn't ready to go check in on another table, so I was gonna go stand by the kitchen for a minute until I calmed down. Then I bumped into Calvin. I wasn't even looking in front of me, but it wasn't like I hit his shoulder. I ran straight into him, spilling the three drinks he was carrying.

"Fuck, I'm sorry!" I apologized, tears starting to stream down my face. I was about to go grab a towel when Calvin grabbed me by the arm to stop me.
"Luca, what's going on with you?" He asked. The way he worded it made me feel like I was only annoying him.
" 'M sorry! I really didn't mean to!" I cried, making him sigh softly. I wiped my eyes with my sleeves, only for my tears to continue.
"Just... just go clock out, hun. Alright? I know you didn't mean to, but you need to go sit down. Just sit at a table by the host stand cause I know Jacob's your way home. Jacob's also hosting right now," He told me gently. I know he's trying to be nice, but I felt like I fucked up horribly. I clocked out and went to go find Jacob. Calvin said he'd clean the drinks up.

"What's wrong?" Jacob instantly asked when he saw me coming up, shutting his phone off.
"I started crying cause of a table, and I ran into Calvin, but I spilled what he was carrying, so he told me to clock out and wait for you," I explained, taking what felt like forever since I had to keep taking breaths in the middle.
"Baby..." He whispered, pulling me into a hug.
"Shhh. You gotta breathe," He reminded me. I listened to his heartbeat and tried to take much bigger breaths compared to what I was doing. He kissed my head and rubbed my back while I calmed myself.
"Go sit down, baby," Dady eventually instructed me. I sniffled and pulled away, sitting at one of the closest tables to the host stand.
"Jacob, I need you to take Luca's section," Calvin called. I imagine he was busy getting the replacements of the drinks I spilled.

Jacob POV

Luca came over, almost running to me, while I was waiting for anyone to need to be seated. When I asked what happened, he wrapped his arms around me and explained that a table made him cry, and Calvin eventually told him to clock out. As badly as I wanted to know what table made him cry, I told myself I wasn't going to ask until I clocked out and was done with my shift. I knew if I didn't, I'd treat the table way worse than normal. And I'd rather get a tip and then be mad at them later.

Calvin told me to go take my break when we were pretty much dead, so I didn't argue. I clocked out, interrupted Luca's coloring of a kids menu, and told him to come on break with me.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, after helping him into the truck. He shrugged, slouching in his seat. I shut his door and got in on my side, deciding where to get food from.
"What did your table do?" I asked while we waited in the drive-through. The line was fairly long, so I figured I'd ask. All the tables from Luca's section had already paid, tipped, and left anyway. So I'd be fine to ask now. Right?
"I messed up talking, and they jus made fun of it. It really wasn't that bad, I don know why I cried," He explained, minimizing their actions and slurring a few words here and there. He's still on the edge of big and little, so I can see how he could've messed up.
"It'll be okay, baby," I mumbled, holding his hand until I had to drive.

I got him an ice cream cone, even though it's cold out. My truck is warm, so I really don't think it's that serious. He ate it fine, so it couldn't have felt that cold.
"You want me to drop you off at the apartment so you aren't just sitting in the restaurant?" I asked. He sorta shook his head, so I didn't make him. I mean, he's just silently sitting at a table, but if he wants to go with me, I'm not about to argue with him on it.

That's literally all he did. He finished the activities that were on the back of the kids' menu and started watching videos on his phone with earbuds that were in the truck. By the end of my shift, I knew Luca was getting restless. He fell asleep with his head on the table, but it wasn't for long. And I doubt it was a good nap either way. I finished sweeping, clocked out again, and helped Luca into the truck.
"Dady!" He exclaimed as I got behind the wheel, kicking his feet. When I looked at him, he was already moving onto something in the side compartment of the door. I shrugged it off and started the car.
"Dady!" He giggled again, not even a minute away from the parking lot. I glanced over at him, and he was just putting his feet up against the dashboard but needed nothing from me.
When he did it a third time, I finally realized he was vocally stimming and was little. God, I probably should've figured that out the second time.

I got out of the truck and went around to the other side, opening my fiancé's door and helping him unbuckle.
"My dady!" He said, smiling and reaching for me.
"My baby," I responded, pulling him into my arms and setting him on my hip.
"No!" He shouted when I opened the door to the apartments.
"It's too cold to stay outside," I said, shaking my head and taking him inside anyway. He let his head fall onto my shoulder in defeat. I struggled for a second to unlock the door one handed, but I got there eventually.
"Go sit down, baby," I told him as I pushed the door open. I seriously need to start planning for the wedding, but it's especially difficult when Luca isn't big. God, thinking about the wedding still doesn't even feel real.

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