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[Luca POV]

I tend to fall asleep when Jacob's quiet and holding me just because it soothes me so much. And that happened this time, too. So when Jacob shook me awake, it didn't surprise me to learn that I fell asleep.
"C'mon baby. You know you gotta stay up," He said as I shifted in his lap.
"I wanna sleep..." I whined, pulling the hood of his hoodie over my head and chewing on my fingers.
"Bubba, don't look at me like that. I can never tell you no when you do that," He said, smiling a little.
"Dady, I just wanna go bed," I said again.
"I know. But your sister's gonna be here soon," Jacob reminded me. I really didn't mind her coming over, but I also needed desperately to lay down and properly sleep since I had a nightmare last night.

I managed to keep myself awake and big until our front door was knocked on, really aggressively. I quickly stood up off the couch since Jacob went to go pee and answered the door. My dad handed Lila her backpack before telling me that he'd be back sometime tonight.
"Okay," I mumbled, stepping back so Lila could come in.
"Luca," my dad said after Lila went to go put her stuff in the second bedroom, but before I said bye. "If she comes back and asks about why I was mean to you, I'll beat your ass. I don't care that you're grown. I'm still both of you two's father, and I will not have her believe I was a bad person. You're mother's the one that fucked you up in the first place," He demanded. I didn't say anything because I was terrified he'd hit me anyway. Holy shit. I'm almost 22, and I can't even stand up to my dad. I nodded and shut the door after he started walking away. I instantly felt shame and guilt flood my body for not defending my momma. Before I could really spiral, I felt Jacob kiss my head. I turned and quickly hugged him before telling myself to get over it. I don't think he heard what my dad told me, and part of me doesn't want him to know that I didn't stand up for myself. Or even my mom.

"Lila, did Dad tell you what time he was gonna get you? Or did he just say later?" I asked as I opened her door. She was just sitting on the bed with her phone in her hands.
"No. But he normally gets me at like 8," She answered, glancing up at me for a second.
"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked. Jacob told me I should offer so she knows she can come and hang out with us.
"Sure," Lila happily agreed, sliding off the bed and following me to the living room. Jacob was lying on the couch, covering his eyes from the light above him.

"What do you wanna watch? I've got Disney+, the first three Hunger Games, 8 Mile, or whatever else you see down there," I listed, sitting down in front of the stack of DVDs.
"What's 8 Mile?" She asked, making me look at Jacob.
"I think it's about Eminem?" I answered, not sure myself. It was Jacob's DVD.
"Yeah, it's like an autobiography but a movie. It's good, though. It's not boring," Jacoh chimed in without taking his arm off his eyes.
"Let's do that one," Lila chose, sliding the case out of the stack and handing it to me to put in the player.

Not very far in there was a sex scene, so I quickly covered Lila's eyes. Which made her laugh and push my hand away.
"Dad doesn't care what I watch, so he won't get after you if I see this part," She assured me. I took her word for it and let her get back to her engaging conversation with Jacob. They were talking about Eminem's music, which I didn't know much about. So, I just stayed out of the conversation.

"Luca, my friend wants to take me with her while she gets her septum peirced," Lila said as a fight between two groups of men broke out.
"When?" I asked, sitting up properly.
"Well, her appointment is scheduled for in half an hour. And it's a 20 minute a drive there," She said, looking at me hopeful that I'd say I could take her.
"Jacob, would you wanna drive?" I asked, turning to look at his face. I don't like spontaneous plans like this, but I'm trying to remind myself it's okay for stuff to happen without detailed planning. So I told myself if Jacob didn't mind, I'd try to make myself be okay with it.
"Okay," He nonchalantly agreed, shrugging and standing up.
"Go get your shoes on," I told Lila, standing up, too. She quickly went and grabbed her sandals from the bedroom while I slid my tennis shoes on. Lila came back out and followed us out to the truck, awkwardly waiting for me to tell her if she should sit in the middle or outside.
"I'll sit next to Jacob, so you can be by the door," I told her, opening the passenger door when Jacob unlocked it.

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