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[Luca POV]

It had been a couple of weeks since I had last gone to the station with Jacob when he dropped the news that he had to leave the state for something.
"What do you mean?" I asked, honestly confused.
"They've got to send me and a couple of other guys up to Michigan," He said, sitting down next to me at the dining table.
"Why do you have to go that far? Like, what's happening there?" I asked, biting Leo just a little.
"There's a really big, important school there that we have to complete a program at every year. And they're sending us soon because we've actually got a couple of new hires coming to our station, so we won't be short staffed while me and them are gone.

"Okay..." I whispered, trying to find a way to stay positive.
"I'll call you every single night, baby. It'll be okay. Talk to me. What are you worried about?" He encouraged me, leaning forwards and pushing my hair out of my face.
"I don't want you to forget about me while you're gone," I quietly admitted.
"Luca, I couldn't ever forget about you. You are single handedly the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I wouldn't trade this for anything! I love being your fiance. I love taking care of you. I love everything about you. Even the attitude you get when you're tired or how you always manage to make me chase you when we go outside lately," He listed, looking over my face before leaning back in his chair.
"Come here, Love. Let me hold you," He mumbled. I didn't waste any time before standing up and climbing in his lap, resting my head on his shoulder.

[Jacob POV]

Every time I hold Luca, I rub his back. Which is a pretty normal thing to do when you hold someone. But, I always forget that I can feel a little bit of his spine when he lays on me like this. When he's standing up regularly, it doesn't show at all. So, it's really just the way he's lying on me. But it made me remember that he'll probably forget to eat without me here if he's in his headspace.
"Do you want me to write down what I need you to do while I'm gone? For if you're little?" I asked. He gently nodded, so I kissed his face before setting him down to go grab a paper and markers.

On the list I wrote-

-Eat at least 2 meals a day (one has to be dinner) and send pictures of what you're eating
-Brush your teeth at least before bed
-Text me where you're going if you leave the apartment (I want you to stay safe :])
-Send me pictures of you and your pretty face <3
-Shower after you come inside from playing
-If your face is sticky, wipe it off. Don't just clean your hands
-If you get sad, call me. If I can't answer, I'll call you back when I can
-Talk to me about your feelings, good or bad

I felt a little better about leaving after I talked them all over with him, making sure they made sense, and he understood what I meant. I had to leave in a couple of days, so I let him help me pack my suitcase.

[Luca POV]

He left in the morning after I kissed him and said goodbye. He reminded me he'd call me as soon as he got to the academy and that he'd text me as often as he could. He also told me that Karmin was still downstairs if I really needed something urgent. I sorta liked being home alone at first. Honestly. But that lasted for a few days. And he was gonna be gone all week.

I swear to God, I heard someone knock. My fight or flight immediately kicked in, and I could feel myself start to shake. All I could imagine was if it was my Dad again. And then remember what he did. I heard it again. So I slowly stepped towards the door. I looked out of the peep hole and saw nothing. Just the hallway. I was beyond freaked out, but I knew I was probably just imagining it. My brain does that sometimes when it's too quiet. It makes me hear stuff that isn't actually happening. Never anything concerning, though. So I backed away from the door and went to go find Pepper. Maybe holding her would make me feel better.

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