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I met Lindsay's wide-eyed stare with nervous eyes, waiting for her to say something after I'd told her about the night before. An intense silence hung in the room, making seconds feel like minutes. Finally, Lindsay's lips formed a pout and she flung herself backwards onto my bed, shielding her face with one of my pillows. 

"Why can't cute things ever happen to me?" She groaned.  

I laughed. "Linds-" 

Lindsay tossed the pillow to the side and parched herself on her elbows so she could see me, a knowing smile on her lips.

"So it's official. He's your boyfriend." 

I shook my head. "No, he's not." 

"But why? You guys are so cute together, and you both like one another and you kiss and cuddle and-" 

I felt a smile spread on my lips and I placed on of my hands on Lindsay's knee giving it a pat to get her to stop rambling.

"It's complicated."

"No, it's not! Harry just needs to grow some balls and-" When my brows raised, Lindsay bit back her lips. "Why is it complicated?" She sighed. 

"Girlfriends aren't really welcomed with his job. He doesn't want me to get hurt." 

"Then keep it a secret."  

"We would- Look, Linds, Harry's already had this discussion with me. We don't have to be in a relationship. Besides, I like how we are now." I shrugged, looking down at the pillow which was propped on my lap. "It's nice." 

I looked back at Lindsay as she nodded. 

"Fine, do your own thing, Mace. This whole relationship is backwards, anyways." 

"How?" I asked defensively. 

Lindsay raised her hands up in surrender. "I didn't mean it as a bad thing! I just meant that you and Harry fell for one another before you guys knew each others appearance." Lindsay said. "You fell for Harry on a different sort of level. Now-a-days its all about physical appearances, but you and Harry fell for something so much more. What's on the inside." 

I had to bite my cheek to stop myself from bursting out in laughter. "You cheese-ball." I said, looking down.

"Whatever." Lindsay said, rolling her eyes. She sat back up now, crossing her legs and fiddling with my pillow.

"Remember when you were against me talking to him?" 

"Hey, I was just looking out for you. He could have been a creep, but now I know he isn't." Lindsay glanced towards the ceiling and shook her head. "Isn't it kind of bizarre, though? Having a 'thing' with a celebrity?" 

I shrugged. "I don't really think of Harry as a celebrity when I'm with him. He's just the normal boy I've been talking to for the past few months." I stopped talking and looked down at my fidgetting fingers. "I have these moments when I think about who Harry really is, and how much he means to so many people and it kind of scares me. Girls all across the world would do absolutely anything for a simple hello from Harry. There are hundreds of thousands of girls who are in love with him." I looked up to Lindsay and let out a sigh. "And then there's his perfect, famous model friends, too." 

"What about them?"  

"Not all of Harry's friends are childhood friends or boys, you know. Half of his friends are these perfect girls with perfect bodies and faces and hair who are famous in some way or another. Harry could do so much better than me, and I try not to think about that because I'm scared that if I think too much about it, Harry will realize it, too." 

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