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"It was lovely to meet you," Anne said, pulling me into a hug. She gave me a squeeze before pulling away, keeping her hands on my shoulders as she said, "hopefully I'll see you again soon?" 

I smiled and nodded, "I hope so." 

I felt ridiculous for being nervous to meet Anne earlier. She was such a warm, loving person who could probably get along with just about everyone. Her eyes, much like Harry's, would look at you intently as you spoke to her, making talking to her easy which was great. I was comfortable with her, and she didn't make me second guess anything I'd say or do. Harry was really lucky to have a mom like her. 

During dinner Anne and I would tease Harry. Anne would tell me embarrassing stories from Harry's past which would leave Harry's face a bright shade of red and a sheepish smile on his lips. Later, we played a game of Pictionary and I was able to see Harry's mortifying art talents. Needless to say, against Anne and Robin... We lost.

The night went by fast, almost too fast, and I was actually bummed out when we had to leave. I loved seeing Harry as happy as he was with his mom, and it saddened me that when Anne was saying goodbye, she had to say goodbye to her son for God knows how long.

I could tell Harry was sad to say bye to his mom, but he kept himself together and stifled a, "You've got lipstick on my cheek!" when his mom continuously gave him kisses. When we finally left and walked to the car, I looked over to Harry who had his hands in his pockets and his eyes averted to the snowy ground. I slipped my arms through his, and gave a sort of hug to his arm, which had Harry looked down at me, raise a brow, then smirk. 

The car ride back felt quicker than it had on our way to Cheshire, and we spent it by singing along to the radio. Harry's cheeks burned when a One Direction song came on, and as he tried to change the station I swatted his hand away and turned up the volume and sang along wildly, using my fist as a microphone. Harry laughed and blushed, his eyes looking to me just as much as he was looking at the road, which probably wasn't the safest thing to do. After the song ended, Harry turned off the volume.

"Hey!" I said, pouting at him. 

"That was quite a performance." 

I shrugged, "It was quite a song." 

Harry smirked, and continued looking at the road. His smirk changed to a soft smile, "Thanks for coming, Mace." 

"Thank you for bringing me," I said, leaning my head against the headrest as I looked at him. "I really liked your mom. She's sweet." 

Harry's smile stayed on his lips. "Yeah, she is." 

I'd always known Harry was a mama's boy. During the time I've known him, stories of his Mom would slip through the conversation here and there, and just seeing him with his mom tonight showed how much his family means to him. He was a genuinely caring person, and I know that if it came down to it, he'd always put his family before himself. 

Harry's hand took mine, his fingers entangling mine. For a while we drove in silence, and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. Before I could stop myself, I drifted off to sleep.


I turned over in bed and winced at the brightness of the room. After blinking open my eyes, I took in my surroundings and felt my heart begin to race. Where the hell was I? The bedroom I was sleeping in was quite big, with white walls and a decorative plant in the corner. There was a rug beside the tall bed I lay in, and a wooden door straight ahead. I tried to recall what happened last night, but it was foggy. All I could really remember was falling asleep in Harry's car, but I don't know how I ended up here.

Where was Harry anyways? 

I propped myself up on my elbows, then looked down at myself and sucked in a breath. I had on a boys t-shirt, I'm assuming Harry's, and a pair of loose splash shorts, that were obviously boys and way too big. I swung my legs out of the bed, and stood, gripping onto the shorts as they threatened to fall to my ankles. I reached up to my hair, and pulled out the elastic, letting my hair fall onto my shoulders. I bunched the top of the shorts on the side and tied the elastic around the bunch, then tucked the tied bunch into the inside of the shorts. 

I walked to the wooden door and opened it, still completely confused of where I was, and how I got into these clothes. "Harry?" I called carefully, but I didn't hear a response. I walked down the hallway to the staircase, and once I was halfway down I heard a door open. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I started walking toward the left, where I thought I heard the door close. When Harry came from around the corner I jumped back. 

He grinned, "Hey, you're up!" 

I blinked and looked around, "Where-" 

"Oh, this is my flat." Harry said. He nodded his head, telling me to follow him. I followed him, still confused. "You fell asleep last night in my car, so I carried you inside. It was too late to go back to Louis'." Harry explained.

"What about Lindsay?" I asked as we turned a corner into his kitchen. I had to admit, Harry's house was really nice. It was very modern looking and suave. 

"She's still at Louis place. I went over there to pick her up and bring her here, but she insisted on staying there so they could continue playing Fifa." He turned towards me. "I didn't argue. I think it'll be nice to have the day to ourselves." I smiled at Harry as he walked towards me, and I leaned against the counter as he placed his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms loosely around the back of his neck and he said,  "Maybe I can show you around London?" 

I nodded, "That sounds good." I said, then I frowned. "Please tell me while you were at Louis', you got me a change of clothes." 

Harry nodded, "Lindsay showed me to your stuff, I grabbed as much as I could. Honestly, Mace, how much stuff did you bring for a weekend?" 

"I didn't know what I would want to wear!" 

"So you brought your entire closet?" Harry laughed. 

I bit my lip, but couldn't hold back my giggle. 

Harry smirked, then bent down and kissed me. "I have to say, though. You look really good in my t-shirt." He said after he pulled away.

I raised a brow at him, "How did I get in this shirt, anyways?"

Harry shrugged innocently, "I don't know, actually. I gave you the clothes and left you to change. You were half asleep, but you managed it." 

I laughed, partially out of relief. I was nervous he was the one who had changed me. He's never seen me in any less than my pyjama's. I've never been the most confident person about my body, and Harry know's how innocent I am. Other than roaming hands as we kiss, he's never initiated the removal of clothing. 

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, raising a brow. 

I looked up to him and blushed, "What? Nothing." Harry gave me a questioning look, but I didn't give him the chance to say anything more. "So, London?" 

Harry smiled, "We don't have to go all touristy, but I'd love if I could show you some of my favourite spots." 

I nodded, "I'd like that. I just need to get ready-" I stopped short, and felt my heart drop. "Is today Sunday?" 

Harry nodded, "Yeah, why?" After a second his excited expression fell, "Oh." 

"What time is it right now?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Eleven thirty." 

"Okay! We have time, then! My plane doesn't leave until eight tonight. I don't have to be at the airport until six, so we wouldn't have to leave your house until fiveish-" 

"Mace, we don't have to-" 

"We have over four hours. That's a lot of time." I squirmed out of Harry's grasp, then started running out of the kitchen, "I'll quickly get ready and we'll go!" I ran around the corner and looked both ways, then frowned and ran back into the kitchen, "Which way is your staircase?!" 

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