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Harry's POV

I smile at the sound of Macy's laugh on the other end of the line. I hear her let out a long, shaky sigh as she attempts to collect herself.

"It's not funny! It was embarrassing..." I whine.

At this, Macy starts to laugh again, which in turn makes me also laugh at my misery.

"It's okay." Macy says finally. "I'm sure Beyonce is used to people running to the bathroom when she meets them."

"Yeah, sure." I say. My face felt flushed thinking about that moment.

Macy lets out a soft sigh, and I hear her shifting on the other end of the phone.

"Oh wow, it's already one in the morning... Don't you have to wake up early tomorrow?" She asks, her voice soft.

"Do I?" I rack my brain trying to remember what it was we were scheduled to do. Touring was exhausting. It was rare we ever got a day off. Even when we had the nights free with no performances, the days were filled with travelling, meetings or interviews.

"You're asking the wrong person. You probably have some kind of photo shoot or fancy celebrity breakfast thing though."

"Fancy celebrity breakfast thing?" I ask, amused.

"Yeah. You guys drink the most expensive wine, even though its only eight in the morning and eat croissants flown to you straight from Paris."

"Oh right." I nod, closing my eyes. "That's not tomorrow. That's actually on Thursday, right before my lunch with the Queen."

Macy giggles, and then goes quiet.


I hum in response and wait for her to continue.

"When do you come to New York?"

I clear my throat and sit up, suddenly nervous. "In two weeks."

"Oh." Macy says.

I bite my cheek. I know this was weird for her, talking to me. I understood it, and the last thing I'd want is for her to feel any kind of pressure to be pushed into the chaos that is my life. But I also know that she's important to me, and I would kick myself if I never even brought up the idea of meeting.

"Would you want to come to one of the shows?"

"What?" Macy asks, clearly caught off guard.

"I don't want you to feel pressured, but I want you to know the invitation's there. I'll be in New York for five days and I'd regret it if I didn't at least try to meet you."

Macy is quiet for a few seconds, and I instantly regret bringing it up. I should have waited to see if she would bring up meeting to me first.

"Maybe. I'll let you know."

"Okay." I say, trying my best to not sound discouraged.

"This is all still really surreal, you know? I feel like if we meet... I won't know what to say or do. You'll think I'm stupid."

I smile and shake my head. "Honestly, I'll be just as nervous as you, if not more."

"Sure." Macy says, I could picture her rolling her eyes.

I smile and bite my cheek again. She really had no idea the effect that she had on me. "I still get nervous talking to you on the phone."

Macy lets out a quiet laugh. "Do I really make you nervous..?"

I feel heat creep up onto my cheeks. "Yeah." I nod, my heartbeat suddenly very loud in my chest. "You've always made me nervous."


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