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The rest of the night was filled with drinking and meeting many of Harry's friends at the party. Harry introduced me as his girlfriend the whole night which I felt okay with. It may have been the alcohol in my system which made me feel more relaxed, but the idea of everyone knowing that I was Harry's seemed alright. After tonight things will most likely be really different. Someone at the party will probably want to sell their story of Harry and I to the media and then the media will have another story to talk about, even though they don't really know what I looked like. 

All night, after meeting a bunch of new faces, I actually had time to sit and talk to a few of Harry's friends who wanted to give me advice. If I could see them properly, then I'd probably know who they were, considering most of the people at this party had a big name to match their pretty face. The group I was talking to knew of our situation, so while Harry was off talking to old friends of his, they offered me some advice. From what I could remember, the advice they gave me were:

1) Remember that not everyone will like you, especially in my situation. There will be many fans who will dislike me, which I could completely understand.

2) Try to avoid reading what's being said about you and Harry. Rumours are a killer for relationships in "the industry". 

3) Don't feel like you have to impress anyone except for yourself. Don't change yourself to fit what the media would expect you to be. As they said, "Harry likes you for you, don't dye your hair or change your clothes because that's what the media thinks you should do." 

After they continued to tell me things I should and shouldn't do, I felt like I should be taking notes. I knew that if I didn't have any drinks tonight I would be feeling anxious and nervous and worried as to what to expect the next morning, but right now I felt fine. 

I looked over to the right, where Harry was standing and watched a smirk grow on his lips as he nodded along to whoever he was talking to's story. After a couple of seconds he looked over at me, the smile on his lips still evident. 

'Love you.' He mouthed, and I couldn't help but feel a blush creep onto my cheeks as I turned back to the group I was talking to and announced: "I'm going to go get another drink." To which they all nodded and waved me off as I started walking through the mass of people in Louis' hallway. When I broke through and stumbled into the kitchen which was surprisingly empty except for a couple in the corner making out, I sighed in relief and walked towards the fridge. I leaned down and reached in and grabbed the first thing I could which ended up being a beer, which I didn't really like but it would do. 

When I closed the fridge door I noticed someone standing behind it and jumped back, forgetting to grip onto my beer and heard the can drop onto the floor and explode. 

"You scared me!" I breathed, my hand reaching up towards my heart. I could feel it beating wildly. I looked down to my beer which was spilt all over the floor then back up to Harry and pouted, "You made me spill my beer!" I whined, trying my best not to smile as Harry laughed. I shook my head at him then grabbed a rag on the counter and crouched down and began patting the floor, trying to soak up all the spilt beer.

Harry leaned down along with me, a rag in his hand and his lips sucked back between his teeth. He was trying hard not to laugh but it didn't stop the smile on his face. 

"I didn't know you get scared so easily." He said, looking up to me. 

I frowned as I continued to mop up the last of the beer, "Well, how would you react if you closed a fridge and someone was standing behind it. That stuff happens in horror movies, okay. Except the killer usually has a knife in his hand." 

When I finished rambling I looked up from the floor and met Harry's green eyes which were watching me. I let out a sigh, blowing a strand of my hair out of my face, and without saying anything Harry reached across, his hand finding it's spot on the back of my neck, and pulled me in. Even though he'd just scared the hell out of me and wasted a beer I was set to drink, I sighed happily against his lips, this being the first kiss in what felt like ages. 

When Harry pulled away, he smiled, "I've missed you." 

"I've missed you, too." 

"Thank you for coming here, Mace. I don't think you realize how much it means to me." 

I stared at him and nodded, trying my best to focus. When I didn't know what to say, all that came out was, "Thank you for having me, I'm really enjoying my stay." To which Harry just raised a brow, and I burst out laughing because I didn't really understand what I was saying and I was starting to feel really dizzy. 

"How drunk are you?" Harry laughed, standing up. He reached down, and when I placed my hands in his he pulled me up.

"I'm not drunk," I said, waving my finger at him, "the floor is. It keeps moving." 

"What a rude floor." Harry said. Although he was smiling, I nodded.

"It's so inconsiderate." 

I looked to Harry to see his lips perched between his lips again, as he tried to hold back his laugh once more. "Are you offended by the floor, Macy?" 

I shrugged and pouted, "Well, in my head I asked it nicely to stop moving but it won't stop. Now the whole rooms spinning around. They're teaming up on me."

"Who is?"

"The floor and the walls, everything that's moving." 

"Right, okay." Harry laughed, pulling me in for a hug. When my cheek pressed against his chest, I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling very sleepy. 

"I want to sleep." I said quietly.

"Let's go sleep, then." Harry said. 

"Not you, this is your party, you have to stay. I'll just go find somewhere to sleep, like the couch." 

"It's fine, Mace. I'm exhausted, too. It's been a long day for me." 

I lent back, and looked up at him, "Tell me about it tomorrow?" 

Harry smiled and nodded, "Okay." Then he turned, taking my hand in his and lead me through the mass of people, walking slowly enough for me to keep up with him. As we walked through people waved to us and I smiled at each of them and then suddenly I found myself standing in front of Louis and heard him say,

"Yeah, no problem mate! Choose whatever room, but keep a bucket near the bed, you know, just in case." He nodded his head towards me. 

I frowned and pointed my finger at Louis, "Excuse you-" 

"Okay, thanks Lou." Harry said, giving Louis a pat on the shoulder. After that Harry began walking again, taking me up the stairs. I followed him along, my eyes focusing on the floor and my footing, not wanting to take a sudden tumble. 

When Harry turned into a room, I looked to the bed and stumbled towards it. When I got to it I kicked off my shoes and climbed in, not bothering to change. 

"Well, are you coming?" I asked Harry as I scooted to the far side of the bed and patted the free space beside me. 

Harry smiled and nodded, taking off his shoes more gracefully than I did, then got in the bed. When he settled in, he extended his arm as he usually does and I found my place with my head settled on his chest. 

"Goodnight." I said quietly, my eyes closed. As I quickly drift off to sleep, I heard Harry return my goodnight and kiss the top of my head.

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