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The next morning I awoke to the feeling of Harry's arms wrapped around me. I felt a smile pull up the corners of my mouth and snuggled closer against him, closing my eyes to try to fall back asleep. No more than two minutes passed before my brain went into over-drive and the thought that he was boarding a plane and leaving in a few hours became very, very real.

I tried to lie still and not obsess over that thought, but I couldn't stop. He was leaving in a few hours. I couldn't sleep more. We had to get out of bed, talk, do things.

I shifted in bed and Harry let out a soft whine, pulling me closer to him. I raised my brows, unsure if he did that on purpose or because he was still asleep. I tried to pull his arm off of me and sit up, but it was near impossible. I felt a giggle rise in my throat.


"Lie for a little bit longer." Harry said, his voice quiet and sleepy. 

I looked over my shoulder to see his eyes still closed. I turned my body so that I faced him, which he allowed and poked his cheek. 

"We need to get up." I said, cupping his cheek. Harry didn't say anything, but he let out a low groan. I couldn't help but smile. His brown hair was messier than normal and sticking out at every direction you could imagine. His features looked even softer than normal with his eyes closed, and his lips plump and slightly pouted. "Harry..." I said, my voice soft. I lent in and quickly pecked his lips, laughing when I pulled away and noticed Harry carefully leaning in towards me again. 

"Another one." He said, his eyes still closed. 

I laughed and leant in, kissing his lips quickly again. 

Harry smirked, his face still following mine, searching for more kisses. I giggled and lay back against my pillow, Harry hovering over me, his eyes now sleepily open. He continuously pecked my lips and I laughed, running my hand into his hair. 

When Harry felt that he had kissed me enough, he rested his forehead against my shoulder, his body still perched over me. His face cradled into my neck, and although I'm usually very ticklish in that area I found it comforting. 

I ran my fingers through his hair, playing with his curls absentmindedly. 

"You leave today." I said, my voice quiet. 

Harry stayed quiet for a second. "I know." He said finally, his voice low. He sucked in a breath, and I waited for him to continue but instead he lent up so he could look at me. This time it was him that cupped my cheek. "I know." He said again, his brows furrowing. 

"It sucks." I said with a slight shrug. 

Harry nodded. "I'll be back soon. I'm not leaving forever." He kissed my cheek. "This isn't goodbye, Mace. It's just a see-you-later." 

I smirked. "Deep." 

"I try my best." 

At that the sound of a phone went off, and we both looked at the nightstands on either side of my bed. Harry clambered off of me and we both checked to see whose phone it was going off. When I saw that my screen was black, I turned toward Harry who lay on his side facing away from me.

"Hello? Yeah. I am. What time? Yeah, okay. See you then."

Harry pulled his phone away from his ear and hung up, then lay back on the bed.

"Gary?" I asked. Harry nodded. "Guess it's time to get ready, then." I said, swinging my legs out of my bed and getting up. I winced at the cold air outside of the covers and tip-toed to the bathroom. We took turns in the bathroom and my bedroom. While I brushed my teeth and hair, Harry got dressed and vice versa. I didn't bother with my make-up, considering it was very early and I couldn't be bothered. I pulled my biggest, comfiest sweater over my head, paired with a pair of leggings and long socks and tied my hair into a pony tail.clean up while I changed from my pj's to a pair of leggings and a big sweater and tied my hair into a pony tail.

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