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When Harry pulled up alongside the airport entrance, I let out a sigh of relief at the almost complete vacancy. Other than a of couple cars behind us, there were no people around. I leaned forward to look into the front doors, and sure enough I saw Lindsay standing there with her luggage just as she promised. When she saw me, she waved, then pointed to her wrist and tapped where a watch would be if she was wearing one. I raised my index finger and mouthed 'one minute' to her and she nodded then turned away from the doors.

I looked over to Harry. "You'd think after doing this so often it would suck less, but it doesn't."

Harry smiled and let out a breath. "On the bright side, the boys and I don't have too much planned for the next couple of weeks, so I think I'm going to take a trip to New York soon."

Te idea of getting to see Harry again within the next week or two made this goodbye a lot easier. "So this is more like a 'see you later' rather than a goodbye?"

Harry smirked and nodded, cupping my cheek as he lent over to gently place a kiss on my lips. 
"I'll see you soon." he said, his voice low and his lips a mere inch away from mine.

My eyes fluttered open and looked into his as I nodded. Harry kissed me again, and I smiled, pulling back gently. "I should go-"

"Just one more." Harry said, pecking my lips. "And another. And one more-"

"Harry!" I giggled, leaning back in my seat.

Harry laughed, then lent back. "Fine, but you'll owe me kisses when I get to New York."

"Ugh, do I have to?" I said with fake distaste and a dramatic eye roll.

Harry opened his mouth to say something in return, then closed it. "I've got nothing." He shrugged, earning a laugh from me. Harry smirked, then said in a more serious tone, "Have a safe flight, Mace. I love you. I'll see you soon."

The flight home felt longer than the flight to London, probably because on the way there I was filled with excitement and now all I was filled with was dread. Three hours into the flight, Lindsay was snoring lightly beside me, her body curled into her seat. The lights on the plane were dimmed, and the majority of people were sleeping. I still felt wide awake, and decided to take out my laptop which I'd brought to pass time. 

I quickly checked my e-mails, then facebook, then flipped to tumblr. I'd scrolled down my dashboard for about fifteen minutes before a picture of Harry popped up. I felt my heart dip a little at his smile, then felt my own smile widen just by looking at him. I contemplated reblogging it, but then felt like it would be creepy in a way. If I reblogged all of the pictures of Harry I saw and loved, my entire tumblr page would just be a shrine of my boyfriend. 

After resisting that urge, I found it impossible to resist my next urge. I stared at the search bar at the top right corner of the page, feeling as if it were teasing me. I looked over to Lindsay one more time to make sure she was still soundly asleep, then typed in Harry's name. He didn't have to know. I was his girlfriend, I was aloud to be creepy. Sometimes.  

After the creepiness of what I was doing vanished from my feelings, I scrolled down, trying to fight off the smile on my lips. If someone looked over or a flight attendant walked by and saw me beaming at my computer they'd think something was wrong with me. There was a lot of pictures and GIF's of him with captions at the bottom quoting some of the silly things he's said. There were also a couple of texts posts about him, or things he'd done. A couple of times I'd skimmed across text posts that mentioned "Harry's girlfriend", but I scrolled past. I didn't want to feel the guilt that would come after reading them. 

After a bit I stopped on a cluster of pictures of Harry and I on our adventure in London. The pictures went from Harry and I walking hand in hand, Harry's eyes looking directly to the camera. The next picture was of Harry and I in the pretzel line stand, a smile spread on my lips as I looked up at him with my arms wrapped around his waist and he smirking down at me. The next picture was another of us in the pretzel line, with Harry's head bent down as he kissed the top of my head, my eyes closed and a smile on my lips. The last picture was of Harry turned toward me, pulling me forward with a goofy expression on his face and my head tilted back as I laughed. 

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