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Harry's POV

"You're in love with a girl you've never met before?"

I tear my eyes away from Louis and look down at the floor. I walk toward the bed and take a seat, leaning forward and resting my forearms on my legs. I nod in response and the rooms stays quiet for a few seconds. I pick at my nails, avoiding eye contact. Finally, Louis clears his throat. 

"Why was that so hard for you to tell me?"

I look up him and scan his expression for any judgement. Louis raises his brows, urging for an answer. 

"I don't know! It's not a normal situation to be in... I didn't want any judgement or anyone to force the reality of the situation on me. I'm aware we live across the world from one another and live two different lives, but she's special, mate. Really, she's... amazing. I just wanted to keep her to myself as long as I could, before reality has the opportunity to ruin things."

Louis nods. "I get it, I do." He looks at me and smiles. "What's her name?"


"Where'd you meet? Well, I mean... how?"

I tell Louis everything about Macy and I, even showing him a photo of her. It kind of felt nice, being able to ramble about someone that felt so important to me. 

"It's not easy." Louis says when I finish. "Relationships in our world, I mean." 

I nod. Out of everyone, Louis could understand. His girlfriend wasn't a part of our world, either. He'd met her in a grocery store, not at a Met Gala or award show. 

"But Harry, as much as I'm happy for you, you need to be honest with her. Let know what she's signing up for. Make sure she knows that if she's seen with you, she'll be seen by everybody. There's almost no privacy. Everything gets publicized, the good and the bad. Everyone will have an opinion, not only on the relationship but on her. None of this will be easy."

I nod and try to process everything Louis said. Past articles of relationship rumor's about me flooded into my brain, and all of the nasty comments people have said about the girls I've been seen with, even if they were just friends. Anxiety starts to creep in as I  think of how Macy would feel if she were ever to ever read even one bad thing being said about her for no other reason than the fact that she were seen with me

"Harry, don't over think it. Just talk to her." 

I nod again, but the selfishness of the situation begins to eat away at me. My universe wasn't good for her, she deserves better than the baggage I would bring...


Macy's POV

I stare up at the ceiling feeling very alone. It's been three days since I had last heard from Harry. I had no idea what I did for him to disappear on me. I thought things were going so well... I almost thought he was going to tell me he had feelings for me before someone showed up to his room. 

Questions about who could have been ran circles in my mind. I would have been worried that something had happened to him if there wasn't constant updates on the internet of what he was doing. It was all just further confirmation that he was blatantly ignoring me.

I replay our last conversation. Was I too pushy asking him if he was interested in anyone? I sigh and pick up my phone, trying to get out of my head. I click on our conversation to see the last twelve messages were me asking where he was and what I did. I clench my jaw, feeling anger begin to fuel me. If he did care about me, even a little bit, he wouldn't just ghost me like this... I deserved an explanation.

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