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I'd been staring at my computer screen with a blank Word document opened for about an hour when my phone started to ring. I let out a sigh of relief. Distraction was good, especially since this essay was going absolutely nowhere.

I checked the screen to see who was calling before I picked up. "Hey, Linds." 

"Hey, girlie! Want to get a bite to eat?" 

"Yes!" I said a bit too eagerly. 

Lindsay got to my house no more than twenty minutes later, honking her horn to let me know she arrived. I quickly jogged down the stairs and shouted to my mom: "I'm going out with Lindsay! I'll be back in a couple of hours!", then walked as quickly as I could to Lindsay's car without slipping on ice. 

"Hey," I said as I climbed into the passenger seat. 

"So, you remember Trevor, right? Hot blonde boy with amazing abs that you shot down?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, I remember him." I wanted to tell Lindsay that Trevor and I were friends, and that he didn't hold any grudges against me for turning him down, because he didn't. He was one of the few people who knew about Harry before the media found out about us. I considered him to be one of the few people I'd call a friend, but truthfully I hadn't spoken to him in a while. 

"Well, he's throwing a party this weekend. You in?" 

I shook my head, "Harry's coming down." 

"Bring him!" 

I looked over to her, and raised my brow. 

Lindsay sighed, "Fine. Stay at your house and be boring with your boyfriend." Lindsay pulled out of my driveway and turned the radio on. After a second she turned it down, "When's he getting here?" 

"Saturday. In four days." 

"The parties that night! I'm sure Harry's been to parties before and would love to go!" 

"Linds, it's not a good idea." I said, shaking my head.

Lindsay pouted, "Fine." 

I felt a surge of guilt, but what else could I do? All I needed was for a drunken frat boy to say something insulting to Harry and ruin any chance of going out with him again. Plus, he'd know no one there other than Lindsay. 

Lindsay and I had dinner in a small diner about ten minutes from my house. She told me all about this cute guy that approached her at work, and then told me to apply to her job since they were hiring. Lindsay was a waitress at a cafe, and from what she's told me it's a great job. I told her I'd think about it, and then she continued to babble on about the guy. I told her about my experience at school, and when I brought up that Tori had defended me Lindsay grinned in approval. 

After Lindsay dropped me back off at my house, I'd finally had some creative juices flowing and began working on my essay. After about two hours I finished the last sentence, saved my file, then went to the washroom to shower and get to sleep. 

The next morning I woke up with a text from Tori.


No classes today! :D

I had a surge of hope in my heart that she wasn't lying to me, and just to be sure I checked online to see that she was right and that classes were actually canceled. I sunk back into bed and rubbed my eyes, feeling like today was going to be a good day. 

I went to my phone and composed a message to Lindsay.


I have the day off. Want to bring me to your school and give me a haircut? :) 

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