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A smile grew across my lips as I awoke to the feeling of Harry's arm draped across me. I placed my hand over his and moved closer into him, sighing at the overwhelming feeling of contentment and bliss. I would not complain if I could spend the rest of my life just like this: cuddled into Harry's chest, feeling his soft breaths from his parted lips on my shoulder, my hand placed over his which held onto me as if he didn't want me to leave.

But, of course, as soon as I begin to enjoy a moment it has to end.

"Macy! Wake up and come downstairs for breakfast!" My mom called from downstairs. After a couple of seconds of letting her voice sink in, my eyes widened.

My mom was downstairs.

Harry was in my bed.

"Shit!" I said aloud, sitting up and turning towards Harry. "Wake up!" I whispered urgently giving him a little shake.

Harry only let out whine, which came out as more of a whimper in his sleeping state.

"Harry!" I whispered harshly. "I need you to wake up!" I shook him again, a little harder this time, causing Harry to suck in a breath and sigh, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes before he blinked them open and looked at me.

A smile slowly caused his sleepy expression to glow, and he sat up on his elbows and said in a groggy voice, "Good morning."

"Good morning." I said, completely forgetting about the issue with my mom and having to sneak Harry out.

"How was your sleep?"

"It was-"

"Macy!" My mom called. "Don't make me come up there!" She said. I could hear her make her way towards the staircase.

My eyes widened as I jumped off of my bed and ran to the door. Before I turned the knob I turned towards Harry. "Grab your jacket and shoes and sneak out while I have her distracted, alright?"

Harry nodded and shuffled out of the bed, scrambling towards his shoes.

I whipped the door open and pulled it almost completely closed behind me, rushing to the stairs just as my mom had made her way halfway up.

"Mom! I'm up, sorry." I said, quickly jogging down the stairs. "How was your New Years?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual, but it still came out rushed.

"It was nice, relaxing. I saw Harry on telev-"

"Yeah? I'm really hungry, what'd you make?" I asked her, draping my arm around her shoulder and turning her to head down the stairs.

"I've got bacon and pancakes ready," My mom said as we reached the bottom of the staircase. As we turned to walk towards the kitchen I looked over my shoulder to see Harry sneaking downstairs, his shoes held in his hands and his coat draped over his arm. He tip-toed down, watching his footing, trying his absolute best to not make a sound. "There's plenty if Harry wants to have some, too." My mom finished, causing me to stop in my tracks.

My mom only smiled and shook her head as she continued her way to the kitchen, throwing her hand up in a backwards wave and said, "Good morning, Harry."

I turned around and looked at Harry who stood in the front hall, his expression just as surprised as mine.

"Good morning, Ms. Turner." He said, giving me a suspicious look.

"Would you like some breakfast?" My mom asked from the kitchen.

Harry continued to stare at me, not sure if my mom was serious or not. I only shrugged, since I was just as unsure as he was.

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