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I adjusted myself on the couch, resting my head against Harry's chest. His arm draped around me and I closed my eyes, my ears adjusting to the sound of his heartbeat and the faint sound of the T.V. in the background. When the idea of having a boyfriend passed through my mind, I never expected it to be this simple.  

Like really, simple

Not in the sense of breaking out of my shell and being able to talk and cuddle against Harry without having to second guess myself... more-so that he and I spent our nights together doing nothing. Not that nothing was bad. Every night we spent together was special, but spending night after night at my house was starting to feel bland.  

I sighed, sitting up and turning to face him. Harry reached for the remote to turn down the volume before he turned to face me, his brow raised. 

"You alright?" 

"We've been dating for a month, right?"  

"Over a month, actually." 

"Okay, we've been dating for over a month and we're already an old married couple." 

"We are not!" Harry said, shaking his head.  

I smiled and sighed, pointing my finger to the television. "It's Saturday night and we're at my house watching Wheel of Fortune." 

Harry's lips pursed as he looked at the T.V. before he turned back towards me and took hold of my hand. "It won't always be like this. Eventually we won't have to be stuck, we could go wherever we want and do whatever we want." 

"I know." I said, sitting back into the couch. "I shouldn't have said anything." I felt like a child, but I couldn't help it. There was a small part of me that wished Harry wasn't an international celebrity so we could go out and be a normal couple, but there was also the rest of me that wouldn't change anything about him for the world.  

"We could try something." Harry said after a couple seconds of silence. "In public, I mean." 

I looked over at him with obvious interest. "What do you have in mind?" 

"We could casually bump into one another again. Somewhere indoors where there won't be any paparazzi." 

"People would still see us, though." 

"They'll just think you're a stranger." 

I smiled and reached for Harry's hand. "We've been spotted out before, remember?" 

"That was months ago! No one will remember. It'll work Mace, I promise."  

I sucked in a breath, starting to consider his suggestion.

I looked to Harry, a smile spreading across my lips. "Would you like to get breakfast tomorrow?" 


I sat at the cafe table, taking a careful sip of my coffee. After wincing from the heat I set it back down on the table, my eyes wandering around the restaurant. I looked in front of me at the empty booth before me, wishing Lindsay could have come out today. I hated being alone. 

I looked outside, my eyes searching for Harry. After a few minutes of creepily watching pedestrians walking along the New York sidewalks, I saw him across the street, his eyes looking to the restaurant then over to his security guard, Tony. A few girls lingered behind him, about five or six of them, taking pictures with expressions on their faces like they couldn't believe they were two feet behind their idol. A couple of the girls were crying.  

Once Harry crossed the street, he continued walking towards the restaurant, his eyes looking through the windows until he scanned over me and smiled, instantly trying to play off his smile by biting his cheek and turning away.

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