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"I think you've reached a new low." Lindsay said, walking towards me.

I ignored her, continuing to peek around the massive tree trunk I was using as a shield. Today was Victoria and Harry's first public appearance, and they were supposed to show up any minute now. The park was practically vacant, apart from a couple taking a walk down the path giving each other love-struck looks and a family further down the field kicking a soccer ball to one another.

"What's this going to achieve for you, anyways? Does Harry even know you're here?"

Sighing, I turned around to face Lindsay. "No, he doesn''t know I'm here. I just want to keep an eye on things." I shrugged.

"So you're becoming a psycho-stalker girlfriend."

"No!" I said defensively. "I'm not. I trust Harry... I just don't trust Victoria. She's a bi-"

"They're here!" Lindsay whispered, rushing towards the tree trunk to take cover. "She's so pretty." Lindsay murmured, shutting her mouth when I gave her a agitated look. "I mean, she's alright." Lindsay shrugged, earning an eye roll from me in response.

I watched as Victoria and Harry continued their way down the path arm in arm. Victoria looked at Harry, smiling as she spoke to him, and Harry smiled back. Victoria giggled, then stopped walking, taking Harry's hands in hers and began to speak to him. Letting out a loud laugh, Victoria wrapped each of her arms around Harry and leaned back to say something to him. Harry looked confused for a second, but when Victoria raised her brows at him he nodded and smiled, wrapping his arms around Victoria as she pressed against him for a hug.


"Sh!" I said, swatting my hand at Lindsay to shush her up.

"Macy, there's a-"

"Lindsay, quiet."

"Macy, there's a spider on you."

I looked over to Lindsay, my eyes wide. "Where?"

"It was on your shoulder, near your hair-"

"Lindsay get it off-"

"Ew! No!"

I felt my breathing quicken, panic overwhelming me. "Lindsay-" As soon as I felt something tickle my neck I lost it and instantly knew our cover was blown.


Harry's POV

This was uncomfortable. There was no other word that would best describe this day other than uncomfortable. Victoria threw herself into the part of my girlfriend and really took the part seriously. If I were an onlooker, I'd think we were in a relationship, not a contract.

I brushed Victoria's hair from my mouth as we hugged, and tried pulling away but she wouldn't let me. I awkwardly patted her back, signalling for her to let go but instead she kept her arms wrapped around me and looked up to me.

"Kiss me." She said.

I pushed myself away from her and narrowed my brows. "What? No-"

"Harry, grow up. Just kiss me, the paps will love it."

"I'm not going to kiss-"

At the sound of screams, both Victoria and I looked over toward a tree at two screaming girls. One of them was tall with blonde hair, trying to calm down the petite brunette throwing her head and hands around. Once the brunette stopped moving long enough for me to see her face, I felt my eyes widen.

"Macy." I breathed.

"You have to be kidding me." Victoria growled. "Ignore them." She said, looking back to me.

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