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The drive went by quickly. We played the radio and held hands and when we weren't talking I kept my eyes focused on outside the window, trying to take in every inch of England that I could. The entire car ride was distracting, though, considering I couldn't wipe the smile from my face because I was the happiest I'd ever felt. Just by sitting in the car with Harry, feeling his thumb brush over the back of my hand, then give my hand a squeeze when he wanted my attention, and meeting his smile and green eyes whenever I would look over made me the happiest girl in the world.

I always believed that when two people were in love, the only way to fall even more in love with that person was to do crazy things like run through an airport to catch the person you love before their flight took off, but I couldn't have been more wrong. The best moments Harry and I have had were days like today. Simple days. Simple days with simple, affectionate actions. I couldn't have pictured a better day, although it had just started, just based off of our entwined fingers, and the delicate kisses he'd given me. Being in love was new and exhilarating and terrifying and exciting and it really did get better each time we were together. 

I'd sort of lost myself in my own thoughts, only returning back to the real world when I felt Harry's hand slip from my own. I sat up in my seat, looking toward him and raised a brow. 

"We're here." Harry said, nodding his head toward my window.

I felt my heart dip a little, out of nerves, then turned and looked outside my window to see a beautiful, old fashioned brown roofed house covered in snow. 

"Are you ready?" Harry asked. I turned toward him, and swallowed the lump in my throat as I nodded. Harry just smiled, "You'll be fine. It's just my mum." 

"Just your mom." I said, shaking my head. "She's the most important person in your life, if I mess up today and she doesn't like me-"

"Stop, Mace. I know my mom, and my mom knows about you, and she's been badgering me to introduce us. This will be perfect, I swear." 

I sucked in a breath and nodded, trying to find any bit of confidence I could to gain the strength to open up my car door. When I stepped outside the wind nipped at my cheeks instantly, and I winced at the sudden cold, then shifted my attention to Harry as he rounded the car and outstretched his hand toward me. I gingerly placed my hand in his and folded into him, cradling myself against his side as the cold winter air continued to give me chills. Once we got to the door, Harry's draped arm, which was wrapped around me, rubbed my arm in an attempt to provide me with warmth but I couldn't stop the shivers. 

Within seconds the front door opened and I met the bright eyes of none other than Harry's mom. An enormous smile spread across her face and lit her features as she looked at Harry and said, "Hi, baby." And then wrapped her arms around Harry. I stepped to the side to give them their moment and from the look on Anne's face I could see how much she missed him. It must be really hard for her to see Harry so little.

Anne rubbed Harry's back, then pulled back, holding onto his shoulders. She raised her eyebrows, then nodded her head toward me.

"Are you going to introduce us?" She asked Harry. 

"Invite us in first! It's freezing," Harry laughed, earning a groan from Anne, but still she stepped inside. Harry reached back and took my hand in his once again as we entered her house.

After the door closed behind us, Harry placed his hand on my lower back and said, "Mom, this is Macy. Macy, this is my mum, Anne."

"Hi-" We both said at the same time. 

I laughed nervously, but Anne just waved her hand in the air. 

"It's lovely to meet you, Macy. I've heard a lot about you." Anne said. 

"Likewise," I said, extending my hand. 

Anne looked down to my hand, then let out a laugh before reaching in and wrapping her arms around me as she did to Harry. 

"Don't be shy, love." Anne said, then pulled away and turned to Harry. "Harry, go hang up yours and Macy's coats, will you? And then find Robin for me so we can eat?" 

Harry, who had a big smile on his face nodded, then took mine and his coat and vanished around the corner. It was only Anne and I now.

"Come with me to the kitchen, love. I'd like to get to know you better." 

"Okay," I said sheepishly, following behind her. 

Once we got to the kitchen, Anne began to cut watermelon it seemed she'd already started to cut. "So, you're the special one. Harry doesn't tell me much over the phone, but from the little he has said I could tell you mean a lot to him." She looked up at me and smiled. I could only return the smile. "So, tell me how the two of you met." 

"It's kind of a weird story..." 

"Well, those are the best kind." Anne said. 

I wasn't going to make up a story to try and please Anne into believing I'd met her son at some extravagant party, or into even believing we'd met anywhere normal. I wasn't going to lie to Harry's mom, so I told the truth. When I began the story and brought up how Harry created an entirely fake identity I could see a mixture of expressions cover Anne's feature. Two specifically: Surprise and amusement. Then as I told her about meeting for the first time outside of Starbucks, all the way to dating, a warm smile spread across her features.

"That is a bit of a strange way to begin a story," Anne said, then she shrugged, "but it's a really, really great one." 

"Mum-" Harry suddenly appeared in the doorway, his brows knotting together. He waved his finger between the two of us, "What were you two talking about?" 

"Macy was just telling me the lovely story on how you two met," Anne said, turning and picking up a covered tray. As she walked through the doorway she nudged Harry and said, "the one you wouldn't tell me." 

Harry looked to me and raised his brows with a smile on his face, but I just shrugged then followed Anne into the dining room. 

"I don't understand why you wouldn't tell me over the phone, Harry." Anne scoffed.

"It's too long of a story to tell!" Harry said, raising his hands in surrender before sitting down. 

"Macy summarized it nicely within minutes." Anne said.

Robin, who I'd just seen at the end of the table laughed, "You're forgetting how long it takes for Harry to tell a story, Anne." 

"That is true." Anne said as she placed the tray down in the middle of the table and took a seat along with the rest of us. She looked across the table at me, "Have you ever heard one of Harry's stories before?"

"I have," I said with a laugh, "now that I think of it, it does take him a while to tell a story." 

"Alright, alright." Harry said, shaking his head. Although he tried to act upset he couldn't wipe the smile from his face. "Let's move on. What are we eating tonight, mum?" 


A/N: Hi, sorry it's taken me so long to update. I'm just going through exams at College now, buuuuut I have all of December off so I'll be able to work on Far Away a lot more in the next few weeks :) Also, I've just been thinking and it's been an entire year that I've been working on Far Away which is literally insane. I started working on it November 2012 ish, around there, and I'm really thankful to all of you who have kept up with it :) Sorry this chapter was short, but the next few will get better. Thanks again to all of youuuu :) x

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