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Harry didn't call me back all night. He didn't text me either. I fought with the urge to call him again, but I didn't want to make a bigger fool of myself. 

When I woke up this morning the first thing I did was check for a message from him, but once again: Nothing. I pushed myself out of bed and forced myself to shake off the numb feeling I had. In the back of my mind I still held on to hope, but now it was obvious that he didn't want anything to do with me. I reached out, and he retreated. I blew it. 

I bit my lip and  closed my eyes after I stepped into the shower and let the water run over my face. I squeezed my eyes closed but a couple of tears still managed to escape. I lost him. 

I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming feeling of anger towards myself. I let this happen. He had every right to not want anything to do with me. Hell, I wouldn't want to talk to me, either. I was needy and annoying and ridiculous. Most of all I was stupid. Stupid for letting all of this happen. 

As I got ready my eyes kept drifting to my phone. When it lit up from a text I felt my heart drop and instantly reached for my phone only to see that it was from Lindsay. I couldn't go like this all day. I had school and things that had to be done, I couldn't spend every minute of the day obsessing over whether or not Harry would text me. 

So, I decided to leave my phone at home. Strangely enough, as I walked to the bus stop I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I would go to school and when I got home at seven I would check my phone then.

The bus arrived just as I reached the stop which was refreshing. When I got on, I sat near the back and focused on staring out of the window trying to admire the city instead of dragging myself down with thoughts of Harry. Once the bus reached the college, I got off and walked across campus to my class. 

When I walked inside Tori was already at her seat. She greeted me with a smile, which I returned. 

"You look nice today." She said as I took a seat. 

"I don't feel it." I admitted with a shrug. 

Tori pouted, but then perked up. "Well, our second class today is cancelled, so there's some good news!" 

I smiled, but it only made me feel worse. I didn't want to go home. 

"We have our Communications group assignment though, so maybe we can use the time after this class to get together with our group and get it done?" 

"Yeah." I instantly agreed. "Good plan." 

Class dragged on for two hours, then after it finished Tori and I met up with our other two group members: A girl named Ashley and a boy named Benji. We worked in the library and after a couple of hours Tori raised her brows. 

"Harry's in the city?" She asked. 

I felt my heart drop at the sound of his name but shook my head. "No." 

"Really?" Tori asked. She leaned forward and pushed her phone towards me. "I was scrolling down my twitter feed and a girl said that she met Harry just outside of the airport." 

I felt my mouth go dry but shook my head. "He's supposed to be in London..." 

"Oh." Tori said. "She might be lying. Besides, he'd text you if he was in New York. Right?" 

My eyes focused on the desk, then I looked up to Tori. "I don't have my phone." 

"What?" Tori asked, raising a brow. "Why not?" 

I swallowed. "I thought it would be a good idea to leave it at home." 

"How is that a good idea?" Tori asked. "I'll look it up and see if he's really here. Okay? Don't freak out." 

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