Chapter 3 - The Breach

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When I arrive at the camp alone people start to whisper. I gather everyone around the main tent.

"Paul...he got bit...Glenn too." I say in a depressed voice. Accusations are thrown every which way.

"Where's Blake?"Someone shouts from the crowd.

"Gone, there was a hoard. We where surrounded." The group gasps. Panic sets in as people fire questions at me. "Calm down. We need to vote on the new leader. " The camp quiets down. "You have a chance to vote here. There is me,"

"What makes you think we will vote for you?" Another person shouts from the back. "You lost three of our men, and most importantly our leader."

"They got attacked Darren, there is nothing you can do about that."A women calms the shouting man.

"You can vote for me, my friend Wes, or my trusted partner Jacob." I state. We hold the vote. I tally up the votes and call over the group. "Jacob has 11 votes, Wes has 16 and I have 33. Thank you all for voting. As your new leader I need some volunteers. I need 8 guards, two for each fence." I see 8 hands appear from the group; Parker, Steven, Joey, Josh, Denis, Timmy, Tomas, and Robert. I set them up with the gate guard and decide to rest for the day.

I wake up to repetitive gun shots. The camper is dark and Maria is lying beside me. I slip out of the double bed and pull the curtains open to see my 8 volunteers shooting at a horde collapsing the western fence. The fence falls and walkers pour in the camp.

"Jacob!" I scream. He emerges from his girlfriends camper disheveled and in his boxers. His girlfriend follows not far behind him. "Grab your gun!" I shout over panicked screams. He runs back in the camper and returns with a rifle. I run into the crowd of people. "Pack your things. Get in your cars and go. Meet me by the 7/11 just beyond the bridge." I relay mymessage to the park. One man and his family saw the situation as futile and thew themselves to the mountain of walkers. People ran around gathering personalitems, panicked. When I return to the motor home I find 10 park people piled inside along with Maria and a crying Austin. I turn and lock the door. Madison was sitting in the drivers seat. "Well are you going todrive?" I question. She stomps on the gas, sending the passengers reeling backwards. Austin tumbles out of Maria's arms but stands up unaffected. The vehicle goes silent. Many people are still in pajamas or undergarments. We meet the other escapees at the 7/11 and we camp out there for the night after re-organizing the supplies salvaged from the attack. I take a small walk around the parking lot, making small talk with some confused and scared park people. When I get back to the camper I realize everyone is cold ... we need to find a real shelter fast or people will die of sickness in the coming cold months.

The Dead Alive *Editing In Progress*Where stories live. Discover now