Chapter 18 - Take Off

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Travis's P.O.V


          Me and Madison. That's all I can think of I missed her and all i wanted was her


Mitchell's P.O.V


         I couldn't sleep a wink last night afraid the wall was going down again so i took a guard duty taking out walkers all night on the wall while I think... Clear my mind...

             At 5:30 AM I wake up Madison who is strangely in bed with Travis after she offered to share a room with him even though there's tons of beds and rooms. "Wake up" I tell her, she only stirs in her sleep "Wake up" i say abit louder. Still nothing. I grab my gun and shoot the sealing sending dust everywhere and that wakes her and Travis up. "What the hell?" she asks I smile "Get up" and with that i walked out. After 10 or so minutes Madison meets me in the Cafeteria after unloading all the supplies we got from the run. "Hey" i say with a smile "Hi" she sais walking past me grabbing a bowl of dried cereal starting to eat it. "We need to go get whoever herd the broadcast today just me and you we need to talk" i said while putting out bowls for everyone with some cold yogurt in it. "Yea whatever ill go load the guns and pack the car" she said like she was avoiding me. With that she stormed off.

          After i woke everyone but the children I went outside to Madison who was waiting. "Come on! I'm driving!" I laughed "No your not" i say as i took the keys going to the trunk taking out my holster inserting my pistol with ammo in a pouch, and a knife on my left. Taking my Crossbow and machine gun i hop into the front seat and start the car and drive to the gate where Mackenzie opens it for us. We Drive for a while in complete silence with the engine roaring louder then anything over the silence. I decide to break it "No walkers out huh?" and she turned to me "There always is this world is gone no one out there only the dead... This world belongs to the dead now!" she screamed and turned to look out the window again. I stopped the car instantly "Whats wrong with you?" she turns to me, "what?" she asked as if she never understood, "I mean you have been acting weird ever sence we found Nick and Travis along with Robert!" her face went blank "Do you wanna know?" i nodded, "Im Married... I always was before this shit happened but i thought i lost him" she said with tears in her eyes in her eyes... I knew this was going to hurt "Who?" i asked looking at the floor. There was a minute of silence "Travis". That's it... "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME NONE OF THIS SHIT?!" i screamed. I could see the anger build up in her. "I'm leaving" was all she said as she jumped out of the car going to the trunk, "What the hell are you at?" i ask."Leaving" she grabs her pack and heads into the woods running. "Shit" i whisper to myself and jump out grabbing my pack chasing her. Her tracks go cold "MADISON!" I yell loud enough for for any walker in miles to hear me. I hear nothing but foot steps, I cant see nothing over all the for rolling in all i can see is 5 feet around me. I hear more foot steps, "Shit" i say in a whisper taking out my knife. A walker comes into view i discard of it quickly. Then another. And another. Then about 5 walkers come out of the fog into my view. I take out my gun and shoot all of them attracting more. A good few walkers show them self's and i cant discard of them, Instead i get pinned to the ground by 4. One girl walker is about to take a chunk out of my arm but someone shoots all 4 of them. and i see who it is its ain't Madison. I don't know 'him'. And he smiles "I'm Brian" he says and bends down and smacks me with the back of his gun knocking me into Blackness.


Dana's P.O.V (Mitchell's Mom)


     9 Hours Later


           "Dana" Jacobs name alerts me from my guard tower where I'm on watch. Imagine a 52 year old on guard duty. "What?" I ask (Mitchell was suppose to be back 5 hours ago some of us are going to find him ok?" "Oh no.... Yea OK just bring him back alive please" he nodded as him and Wes hop in a truck and take off as Mackenzie opens the gate. My Mitchell ain't back. Whats wrong?


Jacob's P.O.V


          Me and Wes go to find Mitchell and Madison, Worried we might find them being eaten alive on the side of the road... "Wes how come you never did anything when Katelyn died?" "Because i learned that i loose everyone and i learned how to deal with it" I nod. After driving for a while we see the car on the side of the road they took. "Oh no" Wes says. I hop out with wes pulling out my knife in one hand and gun in the other. "SHIT!" i yell "What?" "They are gone" I told wes. Shoving my gun into my holster i looked on the side of the road. "There's tracks!" I yelled with a smile "Follow?" he asked in a questionable tone "Duh" with that we followed the tracks into the woods. We see about Twenty dead walkers. And no more tracks. wes points to blood "That's no walker blood" Wes says "Its Mitchells" I whisper





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