Chapter 8 - Hailey

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The next few days me and Madison spend time together, we go hunting with bows that we found in the armory downtown and we bring  the food back for our people. one day while hunting me and Madison were about to shoot something running in the bushes then it said something "Please.... Please.... Please help me" me and Madison looked at each other and then Madison said " Get out here drop the weapons" then a short young woman about 30 came out of the bushes with her hands up and then i ask "were you bit" and then she pulls up her sleeve and she was bit on the arm i ask her " how long ago did that happen?" and then she replayed "about 10 minutes ago i had a camp and the things got in i took all the stuff i could and i ran i have been running for about 1 hour and i stopped and i just got bit... is there anything you can do to help me?" i exchanged looks with the girl and Madison and then i had a flash back to the time Kyle got bit and i amputated his arm then i said "Follow me" i then take her weapons and walk back to the camp with me behind the girl bow pointed straight at her back where her heart is. When the girl sees the camp she turns around and says "Wow that's a camp" i nod and we continue to walk. When we arrive i let my bow down and we went to the hospital and i know medical stuff i was a doctor something no one knew and i strapped her down on a bed and she said "wh-whats this for?" and i said "safety reasons.. can i please have your name age and birthday" and she asks why and i reply with "Because if stuff goes wrong we need to know it" and she looks terrified and she then asks "Wh-wh-what will you do with me now?" and i said nervously "amputate the arm... or if you don't want us to ... we have to put you down..." and then she starts to cry and says "OK... My names Hailey Tucker... I'm 32 years old... i was born on February 11th 1999" and i say "ok Hailey just think of something you love and bite the belt please" as i hand her the belt i inject some sort of medication to knock her out and when shes knocked out i give her a numbing needle in her arm and then i take a knife and i cut her arm off and then right away i burn the open gash to stop the blood i then also cover it with goss and i hook her up to oxygen and iv and leave her here. i check in on her everyday and one day after a week she wakes up. I'm at the side oh her bed and i tell her "your ok you just need alot of rest and stay off your feet so you don't get week you lost allot of blood" and she asks me "is my arm gone?" she asks because she cant feel her body and she cant move and i say in a whisper tone "yea,, you have been asleep for a week... we had to feed you threw your iv tubes" then she falls asleep again and i say "sweet dreams". i then rush out of the hospital and i run to Madison i pick her up and start kissing her and then i see something on her face wait its not her face .... its Maria's

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