Chapter 45 - 30 Days Without An Accident

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Mitchell's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday!"

I sit up quickly with the sudden scream.

I look around my room to find..

Madison, Cole, Conner, Colin, Ally, Richard, Nick, Jacob, Riley, Ana, Sasha, And Kayla All gathered in my room with...

Party Hats On?

"It's My Birthday?" I question.

I kind of lost track about a year ago..

"Yeah! Madison has been keeping track!" Ana says.

I look at Madison.

"Typical Madison" I say smiling.

It has been a month seance the last death, exactly, If i remember correctly.

30 Days Without An Accident, I say to myself.

"Well Thank You!" I say to everyone.

"Now! Seance I'm 34 now that means I'm old.... Let me sleep in" I say.

"Ugh! Your such a party Pooper!" Madison says.

"Come on guys! Let the beauty queen sleep" Madison says and walks away with the others.

Time Skip

I'm woken to the sound I fear the most.

The Alarms.

The alarms start to blare and screams fill Terminus.

I sit up quickly putting my combat boots on, I don't even tie them.

I run to the hook and put my holster belt on and my Katana over my back, It's summer no need for my jacket.

I run down the stairs to the apartment, skipping most of them.

When I reach the door, someone else runs in it slamming it.

I look to see who it is.

"Cole! What the hell is happening out there!?" I yell the question to Cole.

Cole breaths heavy and looks at me in horror.

"Tell Me!" I scream the order.

"Mitchell, One of the fences came down, Walkers are everywhere out there, If you go out there..." He takes a break.

"It's suicide" He finishes.

"We can't let anyone die Cole! We're going out their, Like it or not!" I tell him.

He closes his eyes.

"Okay! Fine" He says.

Before he moves away from the door, gun shots start going off.

"Now!" I say.

Cole opens the door knocking a walker down with it.

He stomps the walkers skull to the ground with his boot.

I slip my gun out if its holster and start shooting, running to the first person I see.

When I reach the little boy from gun training a few months ago he is cornered shooting what he can.

I quickly put my gun back and take my sword out, Slicing threw the walkers heads.

"Run to my building, Get to the roof! Now! Go!" I say pushing him towards the building.

Putting my sword back I take my gun out again.

I start shooting around me, killing anything in my way.

"They Keep Coming! It's Like a plague!" Someone says next to me.

I look to see who it is.


Terminus is full.

Walkers Everywhere.

Lets hope my family is okay.

Jacob's P.O.V

I'm slowly making my way through Terminus, killing any walker that gets in my way.

I spot Madison hop onto the counter by the barbecue, and start shooting walkers surrounding her feet.

For a pregnant girl... She is good.

I start shooting walkers surrounding Madison, if anyone makes it... It has to be her.

Madison spots me and smiles to me, Her face turns into a look of horror.

She looks like she is trying to say something but she can't.

I raise my gun back up and start to kill the walkers surrounding her again.

Then she screams

"Look Out!" She screams with pain.

But it's to late.

A Walker tears into wrist, making me scream in pain.

"NO!" Madison screams.

The walker pulls the flesh from my wrist and sinks his teeth into my arm.

I scream in pain as tears start to fall.

I drop my gun and continue to scream. I can't move...

Stinging takes over and I scream louder.

As the another walker takes a bite from my neck I scream in pain louder then I though I could.

The walker at my arm falls to the ground dead as Madison shoots it.

I start to get dizzy.

The walker that bit into my neck drops dead as Madison shoots it.

"Get To Me!" She screams.

The pain....

It hurts... Allot... I never pictured it would hurt like this.

I bring my hand to my neck wound and put pressure.

"ARGEHH" I scream from the sting.

I pick up my gun and shoot a few walkers.

I start to see two of everything.

The alarm is drawing more walkers to Terminus.

The alarm feels like it has gotten louder.

"I Can't" I say To Madison.

Somehow she manages to hear me and looks at me in question.

I look at how much ammo I have in my gun.

I have ten bullets left.

I shoot nine walkers around Madison making a path for her to move.

I raise my gun to my head, Using my last bullet to put myself down.

"Goodbye" I say to Madison in a whisper.

"No!" She screams running to me.

I pull the trigger.

Madison's P.O.V

Jacob shoots walkers around me and gives me a clear path out.

He says something is a whisper, I make it out as 'Goodbye'.

I look at him not knowing what he meant.

He raises his gun to his head.

"No!" I scream running to him.

It's to late.

He pulled the trigger, Ending it.

I stop in my tracks.

And my world goes fuzzy.

Not Jacob.




A walker grabs my arm.

I don't do nothing.

The walker falls over and I feel warm blood splat on my face.

I Look up to find Conner, Ally, And Colin.

"Come On!" Conner screams.

I can barely hear it, its like a echo... All I can think of is Jacob.

I look from them to Jacobs dead body.

They all follow my eyes.

"Madison we NEED to move!" Ally says to me.

I don't move.

A gunshot echos in my ear as Ally shoots a walker.

"Come On!" Conner screams.

"Hmm" Ally hums.

"I'm Sorry" She says.

She slaps me across the face.

I snap out of it.

I look at her.

"Thanks" I say.

I stand up trying not to think of Jacob.

I start to shoot walker.

"Awwh!" I scream.

"What is is?" Ally asks me.

"The Baby." I say.

"What? Don't tell me th-" I cut her off.

"Yes. The baby is coming, and its coming fast." I say.

"We need Dr. Walsh" Ally says in fear.

"We Don't Have Time! You and the boys are delivering this baby, like it or not" I say squeezing the pole next to me in pain, shooting a walker here and there.

"Cole!" Ally screams.

"He won't hear us over the walkers and the gun shots" I tell her.

She sighs.

"Lets go" She tells me and the boys.

Conner looks at me concerned.

"UGH! I wish these alarms would stop!" I say in frustration.

We keep running to the nearest building shooting walkers in our way.

"I can't take this!" I say.

I stop turn around and shoot the alarm, Making it stop.

I continue to run.

When we reach the building Ally opens the door.

"Hurry!" She tells us shooting the walkers tailing us.

Me, Conner, And Colin enter.

We drop to the floor out of breath.

We wait for Ally to come in, she don't the door stays opened.

Ally runs in with Riley.

The door slams with a loud crash.

Cole's P.O.V

I spotted Madison on the counter of the barbecue awhile ago.

But lost her.

I manage to make it back into the apartment building, and run to the roof.

I'm met by half the Terminus survivors.

"Here take this" A Man says passing me a sniper and ammo.

I nod.

I get to the edge of the roof and lie on my stomach and start to snipe the walkers.

I look around for survivors.

I spot Mitchell and Nick slowly moving towards the bus.

A walker is coming up behind Nick but he don't know.

I aim my sights on the walkers head and pull the trigger, making the walker fall to the ground dead.

Nick looks up at me and continues.

I cover them as they reach the bus.

Some walkers try to get in the door.

I shoot them.

The bus starts and they plow through the walkers.

I now know what they are doing when the bus stops in front of the fallen wall, stopping any walkers from coming in.

They get out of the bus and start to kill all the walkers inside.

I drop my sniper and gun down the stairs to go help.

When I reach the door I open it and start shooting.

Time Skip

There is only a few walkers left, I kill one with my crossbow and Mitchell gets the rest with his sword.

"Thank God!" Mitchell says running to me giving me a bro hug.

"You Made It" I whispered in his ear.

"Wheres the others?" Mitchell questions.

"Not sure" I say.

"Maybe hiding... or dead.."

Just as a scream interrupts us.

We run to the source.

I open a big metal door to find Madison on the ground and Ally, Conner, And Colin, helping her... Give birth.

"It's A Boy!" Ally Screams as she picks the baby up.

"Oh My God" I say and run to my child, Picking him up and running to Madison's side.

"It's a baby boy Babe!" I say to Madison as she sits up.

"Let me hold him" Madison says.

I hand the new born to Madison.

"I hate to interrupt this happy moment but do anyone know who made it and who didn't?" Mitchell asks.

Madison's face goes pale.

"Ja-Jacob... He... Got bit... I seen it happen.. He put himself down" Madison says looking at the floor.

Mitchells face goes white like a ghost.

"yo-you sure?" He asks shakily.

Madison lets a tear fall from her eye and nods.

"Okay... Who Made it?" I ask.

"Me, You, Madison, Ally, Colin, Conner, Nick, and Riley and A handful of people from Terminus, Anyone else know who survived?" I say and ask.

"Sasha, Kayla, And Ana, They went to the armory they told me to come with them but I saw the boys and went to help them, after that I lost them" Ally says.

"Richard? Is Richard alive?" Mitchell questions in a panic.

"I- I was with him... But lost him, When I found him he was... turned..." Conner says.

"I put him down... Conner couldn't" Colin says.

With that Mitchell breaks.

"No! No! No! Fuck Fuck Fuck!" He says all in a quick whisper.

"No!" He screams and falls to the ground crying.

Mitchell has no one.

A Terminus survivor speaks up.

"Mitchell saved me, If it wasn't for him I would be dead" I look to see who it was.

It was the boy Mitchell told us about from gun training.

"By the way I'm Alex" He says.

"I'll go see if Ana and the girls made it" Ally tells us.

"Okay" I tell her.

I decide to go comfort Mitchell.

Ally's P.O.V

I walk to the armoury and open the door.

There sits Sasha and Kayla, Hovering over a bloody Ana.

"What Happened?" I ask.

"She... Sh-She Was Bit" Kayla says.

Oh Shit...

"Why don't you guys wait outside?" I tell the girls.

They stand and look at me.

"Okay.." I see tears rolling down their cheeks.

When I hear the door close I reach for my gun, taking it out I let my hand fall limp to my side with my gun in it.

"I'm Sorry" I say to a dead Ana.

I quickly raise my gun to her head and shoot.

I put my gun back in my holster.

A single tear falls down my cheek but i wipe it away.

I open the door and close it as soon as I'm out so the girls don't see.

"Come on" I say to them.

They nod and walk with me.

When we make it back to the building we are all in everyone looks relived, until they noticed Ana wasn't with us.

"What happened?" Nick asks.

"Did she tur-" I cut Nick off.

"She got bit, She died, I did what I had to do" I say and sit next to Madison.

Madison's P.O.V

The pain finally eases after I breast feed the baby, I don't care if people see, He would starve.

"What should we name him?" I ask.

"How about...Matthew? Mat for short" Cole says.

I think.

"Matthew It Is" I say.

Welcome to the world Matthew.

"Hey! He has the same birthday as you Mitch!" Cole Points out.

Mitchell smiles.

"Yeah, I guess he do"




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