Chapter 4: Finding Her

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After two hours of running, we carefully made our way onto the Shadow Mountain pack territory. We were careful to mask our scents in a nearby river, so if there was a patrol they wouldn't think anything was off. The groups split on Mort's signal and we all got into our positions.

"Is everyone in position?" I mind linked Mort.

"Everyone is ready to go, we move on your signal Alpha." Mort informed me. I took a deep breath, thinking through the plan one more time. Then I gave the final signal and we all moved as one.

The first group entered the building quickly, screaming and howling soon filled the air. People began to pour out of the building, as they did another group separated the men from the women and children. It didn't shock me too much to see that there weren't very many children in this wretched pack.

Nathan and I carefully made our way into the building. Most of the fighting on the ground floor was over considering how many of my men had come in at once. I could hear things crashing and wolves howling on other floors letting me know there was still some resistance.

"Come on Carter we need to find her. Start searching rooms," Nathan stated and ducked into the nearest doorway. I started to follow his lead finding nothing but the occasional body or my warriors restraining someone or another. We were almost done with the first floor and we hadn't found anything yet.

"What the hell!" Nathan exclaimed from the room he was currently checking. I rushed in to see what he had found. What I saw inside the room made my stomach drop.

Nathan had discovered another door that leads into a concrete room. In the middle of the room was a large black pole and around the pole were a couple of chairs. Staining the floor was tons of fresh blood and a bloodied whip.

Nathan fell to his knees and I could see tears in his eyes. I felt myself growing angrier by the minute, I don't know what had happened in this room, but I knew it couldn't have been good. The blood wasn't even dry yet, meaning whoever had been so severely beaten it had happened recently.

"I can smell her in here Cart, I know she was the one who was punished. Why, why would someone do this to her?" Nate's words tore at my chest and I hurt for him. I decided I should pick up this girl's scent and start tracking her and get her out of this hell house. As I attempted to pick up the scent I was taken aback by how delicious it smelled, like an ocean breeze floating by.

"Nathan, we need to find this girl now!" I ordered pulling him to his feet. Her scent was driving me crazy and I so badly wanted to meet the source of it. I needed to see her, to see that she was alive and doing okay.

"Carter, what has gotten into you?" Nate asked as I began pulling him down the halls following her scent. I had to find her, it was the only thing I cared about now.

"I need to find her Nate. I need to see her, her scent in so.... amazing I have to meet her." I tried to explain as her scent became stronger. We turned a corner and were met with a long stairwell that leads down to what looked like a basement. Why was this girl down there, it didn't make sense to me. As we reached the bottom of the stairs dread filled my gut. The door had three very complicated locks on it. Without a second thought, I brought my leg up and smashed the door down.

It took me a few seconds to really take in the room around me. There was essentially nothing in it. The only things I could see were a large cardboard box and a bucket that looked like it served as a toilet. That's when I noticed the girl.

Sitting in a corner with her back to the wall, her head was down. She was thinner than a person should be and looked like she hadn't had a shower in months. Her hair was a tangled knot that covered her face. Even from this distance, I could see the bruises that covered her arms and neck. They looked horrible and I couldn't see an untouched piece of skin on her.

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