Chapter 5: Whipping Post

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I could hear people talking all around me. I wanted to open my eyes, but they were just so heavy. The people around me kept talking though I was having trouble processing what they were saying.

"I've never seen injuries like this before Mark." A female voice said.

"The only times I've seen stuff like this is when a pack warrior comes back from a war and it's usually fatal. I'm not even sure how she's alive. Her body should have shut down after so much trauma." A lower masculine voice replied.

"Can you think of any way that she could be out of shock already? It was only for about twenty minutes and it should have been way more." A different male voice asked.

"I can't confirm anything yet because we are going to have to wait for a couple hours before we flip her over to make sure there are no major problems. I suspect however that this girl has been through a lot in her life and this isn't exactly an uncommon experience for her. Don't tell Alpha Carter any of that though until I can confirm it." The second voice instructs the other two.

"You guys move her to one of the private rooms she needs some rest and Alpha wants to see her. I'll go explain what's going on while you two get her settled in." The lower male voice says and then I hear the click of a door opening.

Were they talking about me? Was I the one that was hurt and in a hospital or something? It couldn't be Master would never take me to a hospital, they would ask too many questions. What was going on and how did I get to wherever I was?

I tried to think back to what happened before I had blacked out on the floor of my bedroom. It was hard to think past the fog that was filling my eyes but I kept trying.

I could hear the sounds of footsteps carrying down the corridor. There was more than one person coming if I were to guess I would say there were three people coming down the stairs. I wished they would wait a few more minutes before taking me to my punishment. However, this moment was inevitable and I deserved it for disobeying Master's rules.

The rattling and banging of keys alerted me to their proximity. I knew that they weren't going to be gentle with me and would probably drag me up the stairs. As the hinges creaked and the door swung open and I was greeted by the smiling features of Sir Jax and his two best friends, Sir Lucien and Sir James.

"Bet you wished you'd just listened to me the first time now don't you little girl." Jax sneered at me. I kept my head bowed and refused to look him in the eyes, knowing it would only get me in more trouble. I watched Jax's feet come closer to mine. His hand grabbed my chin and forced my mouth to meet his.

His lips were hard and unforgiving, filled with lust and pride. I didn't move a muscle letting him do whatever he wished to me, I was after all only here to make the men happy. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and started to caress my own tongue. It felt wrong, but I couldn't do anything to stop him.

Soon Jax seemed to become bored with kissing me and released me. Then another malicious smile grew on his face.

"Don't forget little girl that I get to have my way with you later this evening. You had better be ready because you aren't leaving my room until tomorrow morning." His words cut me to the bone. After what was sure to be a severe whipping I was going to be his slave for the night. I began to prep my body for the pain I was going to be in.

Suddenly Jax's friends grabbed me by my arms and began to drag me out of my room. When I had first gotten here I had tried to resist when these sorts of things happened, but I now knew better. I deserved the punishments Master had told me so many times before. 'Scum like you should learn its place,' he would tell me as he hit me.

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