Chapter 21: Medicine

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I was tied down to a chair in Master's playroom. I was covered in sweat and blood, and I was ready to pass out. I had been in the chair for three days now and it was pure torture. Every time I closed my eyes for more than two seconds I was administered a shock. Every time I was shocked the voltage increased by one volt. I was up to about eight four and I wasn't sure how much more I could handle.

For the past three days, I had been denied sleep. I hadn't been allowed to move from my position on the chair. When my body had become too weak to hold me up one of Master's guards had used the silver straps on the chair to keep me still. I hadn't seen Master since the first day, I was beginning to hope he was just goi ng to let me die here in peace. Then the door to the playroom opened and Master walked inside.

"It's good to see you again my pet, I see you've been enjoying your stay. Last nights guards came and told me you almost fell asleep fifteen times last night. He was disappointed that you didn't try harder." He made his way across the room until he was standing in front of me.

"Now tell me, darling, why are you in this chair?" I kept my head bowed as I tried to remember why I had been put in here. It was hard to remember I was so tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. That would never happen unless I answered Master's question correctly.

"You're girl misbehaved Master. Girl did not complete all of her chores by the assigned time and she tried to hide it from Master. Then when Master was telling girl her punishment she talked to him." I was pretty sure that was what had happened. I couldn't remember all the details, but this answer seemed to please him.

"That's right, what a good girl you are to remember. You have pleased Master by taking your punishment so well and Master will reward you. You will find something new in your room when you go down there. I got you a bigger bed, now wasn't that nice of me?" Master ran his fingers along my cheek and I was too tired to try and pull away from his touch.

"Master is it true? Did you really get girl a bigger bed? She is very humbled by your generosity and will try harder to behave. Girl's only goal is to please Master," I felt like crying with joy. Master was kind enough to allow me a new bed.

"Yes, I am glad you are so pleased. There is one catch though Elinn, you have to earn your new bed." Master slowly left my side and strode over to where the guards stood. He took the remote that controlled the electricity from one of the guards.

"Let's see how much you can handle," With that, the electric current began to race through my body. My muscles clenched and released so fast that it was painful. I heard the guards laughing at my pain and Master chuckled. My vision blurred but still, the pain increased. As my mind began to shut down and a cloud of darkness watched over me the pain continued to grow and I heard Master say one last thing.

"She really is such a special girl. In a couple years everything will finally fall into place."

My eyes shot open and I expected the pain to disappear, but it only lessened. Carter was holding me in his arms and there were people scattered all around my room. Margene and Luke stood to the right of Carter while three other figures stood on the left. I couldn't see their faces from where I was sitting, but before I could ask another wave of pain hit me.

"Carter it hurts," I whimpered and clutched at his shirt. I wanted the pain to go away. It was too much, I was supposed to be done with feeling pain. I was supposed to be safe here. The pain grew stronger and a moan escaped my lips.

"I know it hurts baby, but we are going to make it all better. You're going to be okay," I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. Maybe he could make all this pain go away.

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