Chapter 14: Trust

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I ran and ran until I wasn't sure if I could run anymore. My leg felt like it was going to fall off from the pain. I wanted to stop running and give myself some relief, but I knew that I had to keep running. I had to get away from the doctors and the strange men. Mostly I needed to get away from Carter, the guy who constantly seemed to be around me.

I wasn't sure where I was going, but I didn't stop. I had no way of knowing how far from the hospital I was, or if I was headed in the right direction. I just knew that I needed to keep going, but it was getting hard. I could feel my leg beginning to give out beneath me. I decided that I had to take a rest if I wanted to continue running.

I surveyed my surroundings and saw a nice clearing about a hundred yards away. I slowed down to a walk as I neared the clearing. I was fairly certain no one was going to find me all the way out here. I had to have been running for at least two hours, and I was exhausted.

My muscles were cramping up in protest of my vigorous activities. I hadn't really had the opportunity to work or stretch my muscles in a long time. I had never been allowed to work out and make myself stronger. I didn't need to Master knew what I needed and he told me I needed to stay weak and vulnerable. It was so that I could remember exactly what I was, nothing.

I stared at the blank sky above me, it was a bit unnerving. I had never seen anything so big before and it made me feel small in comparison. I wasn't sure what I thought of the vast empty space, in my memories I could have sworn there were things in that empty sky. I was probably wrong, Master always told me that the outside world was just a dark and empty place, it seemed that he was right. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to feel so small anymore.

Something cold and wet fell on my face and my eyes swiftly opened. What had just touched me? I looked around and saw nothing, so I rubbed my nose to find the thing. Again I couldn't find a source for what had done that. Another something fell on my right arm followed quickly by my left. Soon the little cold droplets were hitting me more rapidly and I could feel my whole body becoming wet. I realized the sky was what was making me wet.

There were little drops of water falling from the sky and making me wet. What was going on, water didn't come from the sky did it? I wanted to find a spot that provided me with more shelter from the water, but the clearing was bare of any trees. I was too tired to walk to one of the trees that were a couple yards away from me. So I just stayed out in the cold water.

I let my body relax as I sat in the clearing listening to the water falling around me. It was a peaceful pleasant noise and it was making me sleepy. Maybe if I had a quick nap when I woke up I would feel better so I could keep going. I was just going to rest my eyes for a few minutes.

"Where do you think she could be?" The sound of someone talking had me sitting up quickly and looking around. I couldn't see anyone just yet, but they had to be close if I could hear them.

"Carter said she had a fractured leg, broken arm, and a couple bruised ribs. What I don't get is how she could have gotten this far. She shouldn't have been able to make it twelve feet much less ten miles." A new deeper voice said. They had to be talking about me. Had I actually ran ten whole miles from the hospital?

"I heard rummers that they found her in the Shadow Mountain Pack. I wonder if she's as bad as some of the rest of them are. Maybe that's why Carter has us out here searching for her," The first voice sounded like he was contemplating the idea.

"No, I don't think so. Did you not see how panicked Carter looked when he was giving us the scent. I would say that she is important to him somehow. Maybe he feels like he has to protect her. After all, she can't be that important to him since he said she didn't hold a rank in her old pack. Worse than even an Omega," The second voice reasoned.

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