Chapter 54: Numb

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I was standing in Master's Playroom, but for the first time I wasn't chained or held down by anything. I looked all around me and it looked the same way it had the last time I was here. The same equipment was laid out on the tables, it still smelled like blood and sweat, but it felt so empty.

"I'm glad to see you've finally joined me," I whirled when I heard his voice. There standing behind me was my Master staring at me with....pride?

"W...wh...what are you doing here?" I whimpered and stumbled away from him. How had he found me? Carter told me that he had made sure no one told anyone about my being here. Who had told Master about my whereabouts?

"Oh Pet, you told me exactly where you were, don't you remember?" Master stalked toward me with that same smug look on his face.

"I wouldn't tell you how to find me, why would I do that?" I demanded as I continued backing away from him. His face seemed to become surrounded by shadows as he continued walking towards me.

"You've done it, you've become what I wanted you to be. Well at least part of it anyway, but it's begun at least. You let that anger take over and you did exactly what I taught you to do." Master's eyes went completely black and I tripped on something behind me.

I turned to find Carter lying on the ground. At first, I was relieved then as I stared his body began to sprout sudden cuts and blood flowed through him. I reached out to help him, but instead of my hand meeting his skin it was a whip. Carter cried out as the leather met his skin.

"Elinn stop please, that's enough! You can stop now, please stop!" Carter cried out. Again I tried to reach out to him but the crack of a whip and the sound of flesh cracking filled the air instead.

"You've become just like me now my dear. All those years of hurting you, they were to teach you exactly what it felt like. To help you build the kind of anger you would need to do this, to hurt innocent people just like I hurt you.

Look at how you've learned, making sure that you land blows on top of each other. I've taught you so well, look at what you are now able to do. You are mine and always will be, not just because I claim you. No, you are no better than I am, we are both Monsters who pretended that we could live in the light." My hand continued to move without my own prompting. Again and again, it lowered causing the leather strips to tear into Carter's back.

" this! Stop making me do this!" I cried out as my body kept moving. Carter's cries never ceased, he called for me to help him to stop hurting him. A sob escaped my throat as I willed my body to stop this, I didn't want this.

"That's where you're wrong," My gaze shifted and I saw myself standing on the other side of Carter. Only it wasn't me, she looked exactly like me, but something was different. Her whole body seemed to be emitting darkness and her eyes were glowing with a different color. Those golden eyes held so much viciousness and malice in them that I had to look away.

"This is what you always wondered, isn't it? You wanted to know why Master would punish us when we had done nothing wrong. We were always so curious about his motivation, now that you understand isn't it just so, enticing?" The girl asked and walked closer to Carter and tilted his head back so she could see his face fully.

"Look at the pain in his eyes, isn't it delicious? Those screams are music to my ears, a lullaby to lull me to sleep. We've always wanted this, deep down we wanted to do this to others.

To make them know exactly how we felt when Master hurt us. Make them understand what it was like to be helpless and vulnerable. We wanted people to understand exactly what it was like to live your life in fear and now we can.

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