Chapter 33: Playroom

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"Come on pet, you know how much I loathe having to chase you. It never ends well for you and just means I get to have more fun later." The man who demanded that I call him Master called after me. I kept running not caring about his word this time I would get out of here.

I had made several attempts to escape and they hadn't gone well. Most of the time one of the guards caught me before I could make it to far. Then they would drag me back to him and he would punish me. He would try to convince me that what I was doing was wrong and bad.

I just wanted to go home. It had been a month since the man had taken me here and they wouldn't let me go home. I was sure that Mommy and Daddy were wondering where I was. I knew they were looking for me and I was sure that they would show up soon to save me. Until then I would fight hard to get back to them.

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you girl. I have let you run around getting away with things for far too long. That all stops today. You better hope you can run fast girl because if I catch you, you are going to learn what a real punishment is. I've been kind to you so far, but obviously, I need to work harder to make sure you understand the consequences of your actions." The man's voice echoed down the hall.

He was following me, he was stalking me and I wouldn't let him catch me. I pumped my legs harder pushing my body to go faster than I ever had before. I needed to run as fast as Darius faster even. If my older brother could see me now I'm sure he would be wowed by my speed.

I could hear the sound of footsteps behind me, loud thumping footsteps. It had to be that 'Master' guy, he was catching up to me. I knew that if he caught me something very bad would happen. Worse than the punches, slaps, and kicks I had received in the past couple weeks. Much worse than not being allowed to eat one of my meals or not letting me go to bed early.

I seemed to be running so quickly everything around me blurred. However, it must not have been that fast because my pursuer was gaining. His footsteps sounded louder and I could almost feel his hands reaching out to grab me. I pushed my legs harder, I could hear his chilling laughter behind me.

I thought I was beginning to outrun him when his hands grabbed me. I was thrown into a nearby tree causing the wind to get knocked out of me. I gasped as I tried to get the air back into my lungs. Before I could even get a decent shot a foot met my face.

"I told you, now we're going to have the most fun we've had yet. When I'm done with you tonight, you're going to see that what I was doing before was child's play. I think it's time I finally time you to my playroom. It's high past time I started on your lessons anyways." The man unceremoniously threw me over his shoulder.

I struggled against his grip on me but found that it was no use. He was bigger and stronger than I was, there was no way I was escaping. He didn't say anything as he carried me back to the mansion of a house everyone here seemed to live in. No one glanced at us with pity or sadness for my situation. Most laughed and taunted me as I passed them and I did my best to not care.

Pretty soon we were standing in front of a large black door. Letting go of me with one hand the guy holding me grabbed something from his pocket. He inserted what I assumed was a key into the lock and walked in. It was too dark for me to see anything, but apparently, that didn't affect 'Master'.

Suddenly I slid off his shoulder and landed on the hard floor. I groaned as my body made contact, that hurt really bad. I tried to get up but was met with a foot to the gut for my troubles. Then I was pulled up and my hands were clamped into something. What was going on?

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