Turkish Cousins

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"Okay Mako, I want to make this VERY clear," Rosella began. "You cannot tell Dad and Mother that we went to the Sand Kingdom. Understand?"

"I wouldn't trust him to keep that secret if I were you." a familiar voice called out. Rosella whirled around, only to find her cousins perched in a tree nearby.

"He'll spill everything two minutes after you go home." Aria explained. "I would know."

"Maybe he won't!" Rosella insisted. "I have faith in my brother."

"Pax!" Mako screeched, running towards his cousin. "I saw sand! It was really warm! Not like here warm, but nice warm!"

"Not even two minutes." Pax announced. "He's too little to lie." 

"You shouldn't have taken him in the first place." Aria suggested. "There could have been dozens of horrible outcomes."

"Well none of those happened." Rosella declared. "He's fine."

"Who's fine?" Prism asked, joining them. 

"Mako." Prism glanced around.

"If he's fine, then where is he?" Rosella frowned. 

"What are you talking about? He's right-" she turned, but Mako had vanished.

"Crap." Teal swore. 

"You were supposed to watch him!" Rosella yelled.

"He was right there!"

"This is not good. This is SO not good."

"Cal down, Rose, he couldn't have gone far." Pax offered.

"Pax I LOST THE BABY!" She objected. "We're dead!"

"If Dad finds out, we're dead." Teal explained. "If Mother gets to us, we're REALLY dead, and if grandmother finds out....." He shuddered at the thought.

"He was RIGHT THERE." Rosella declared. "Where could he have gon-" A scream cut off her sentence and everyone whirled around to start at the other tunnel.

"Double crap." Teal swore again as Rosella flew over and emerged with a crying Mako.

"What happened?" Another voice asked as Aurora showed up. Pax and Teal instantly straightened up as she approached, trying to appear sophisticated. 


"At least he's not dead," Prism suggested.

"He's traumatized and I'm screwed." Rosella finished.

"You were screwed the second I followed you." Teal replied. "Sure, Mako might not tell, but I will."

"Say one word and I'll tie you to a tree."

"No you won't, cause I'VE GOT BLACKMAIL, HAHA!" Aria facetaloned.

"There are so many things wrong with this family." She whispered.

"We know." Prism agreed. "It's all very messed up."

"Hey, Mako," Aurora began. "I've got something that might cheer you up." Mako whimpered, but glanced over at her. "Wisteria was looking for you. Would you want to go and play with her?" 

Mako's face instantly brightened. 

"Play with Wisty? Yes!" He yelled. "Please Rose? Can I? Can I?"

"Sure." she agreed, grinning smugly. "But take Teal with you."

"YAY!!!" Teal looked positively mortified at the prospect of staying with Aurora while Mako and Wisteria played, whereas Pax scowled at the thought.

"Come on Teal," Aurora insisted, taking Mako's talon. Teal melted slightly and quickly followed after the hybrid.

"Why couldn't you volunteer me?" Pax complained. 

"Because I want my brother to embarrass himself." Rosella explained.

"Yeah, but now he'll get closer to Aurora, and we all know that Mako is gonna end up marrying Wisteria, so that leaves nobody for me!"

"On the contrary, Pax," Aria suggested. "You and Teal may have entirely different soulmates then Aurora."

"But she's perfect!"

"No one's perfect. But your soulmate, in my opinion, is pretty close."

"Is my Soulmate Aurora?"


"You'd tell me if it WAS, right?"

"....No." Pax threw up his hands. 


"Yes you can." Aria smiled. 

"It could be worse." Rosella insisted. "She could only speak different languages like Aunt Ande did."

"She does speak other languages. We only speak  in other languages at home, Rose, you know that." Pax insisted. 

"And you love my paradoxes." Aria declared.

"Nope, but I will admit that you are a deha."

"Turkish this week, huh?"

"Evet." Rosella groaned.

"Can't you two speak in a language I understand?" she pleaded. 

"Hayır, bu şekilde daha komik," Aria insisted.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Rosella declared. "I'm gonna go see Mora. You two have fun with your.....Turkish."

"Güle güle!" They called after her.

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