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"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaseee?" Prism was begging. 

"No," Rainkeeper objected. 

"Please please please please pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???" Prism went on.

"NO," Rainkeeper repeated.

"Why not?" She demanded.

"Because it's potentially dangerous, and I don't even understand why you want to go." 

"I want to go BECAUSE it's potentially dangerous. And because I wanna see what you do all day! Other dragon's jobs are fascinating!"

"Then why not go see what your parents do all day?" Rainkeeper questioned.

"Because all they do is paint. And I know that. And that gets boring to watch."

"What about Joy?"

"Joy's too busy. And even being Queen is not as interesting on a daily basis as this." Rainkeeper smirked.

"Or does Apple just forbid you from going anywhere near the prison and you want to get inside it?"

"That too," Prism admitted. "So will you show me? PLEASE?" Rainkeeper sighed.

"Alright fine. ONE visit."

"YES!" Prism declared. "Can I bring my cousins?"


"YES! You're the best, Rainkeeper!" She bounced out the door, running to find her cousins.

She ran into Wren first, as he sheepishly left Joy's office.

"Wren!" She exclaimed. "Wanna go on a tour of the prison?"

"Why would I want to do that?" He asked.

"I dunno. Cause it's fun?" Wren paused. Touring the prison did sound kinda fun, and it would be a good way to run away and escape before Rin and Joy changed their mind about giving Raven a chance.

But he really should go and find Raven.... He glanced at his cousin's hopeful face.

On the other talon, why did Prism, of all dragonets, want to visit the prison? She wasn't a huge fan of violence, at least compared to everyone else in the family. He supposed she got that from Apple and Ember. They didn't like killing or hurting dragons if they didn't have to, and neither did Prism. 

So why did she want to visit the prison, of all places? 

The prison in question was a dark place, and really the only use for the Nightwing Island anymore. Joy had taken advantage of its location, and the Rainforest's easy access to it, and had turned the whole island into a high security prison for Nightwings, Rainwings, and dragons of other tribes that were too dangerous to be kept anywhere else. It was guarded by fierce Nightwings, and a few stealthly Rainwings in camouflage. There were dozens of truly horrible dragons locked up in there, and Rainkeeper just happened to be one of the dragons who would occasionally guard it, mainly because he didn't have much else to do, and Joy trusted him to watch over it.

But the Nightwing island was dark and it was difficult to breathe in and it was just utterly miserable. Why would Prism voluntarily want to go to a place like that? Maybe, Wren thought, he should go along. Just to keep an eye on her.

"Okay," Wren offered. "I'm in."

"Sweet!" Prism declared. "Let's see who else wants to go!"

By the time Prism made her way back to Rainkeeper, they had a group consisting of her, Wren, Rosella, Mako, Wisteria, Pax, and Aurora. Aria and Teal had voted not to go, mainly because Aria said she didn't feel like getting the migrane headache that the stars would give her if she walked into a place with deadly dragons, and because Teal was writing letters and refused to stop.

"This is like the ONE time we're EVER going to get to see the Nightwing Island Prison, and you'd rather write letters?" Prism questioned, raising an eyebrow. Teal didn't look at her, scanning a letter instead and scowling before writing more on a piece of paper.

"Who are you writing to anyways?" Rosella asked, looking over her brother's shoulder. Teal shoved her away.

"Sage. We're in a massive argument, and I am determined to win." He said, scowling at the letter again. "Who cares if Sage has six scrolls worth of evidence- I KNOW I'M RIGHT." Pax snickered at his cousin.

"Operation Seal worked so well," He muttered. Prism shrugged.

"Okay, well, we're gonna go to the prison. Later Teal!" She offered. Teal grunted a goodbye and went back to writing.

The little group headed for the tunnel to the Nightwing Island, and Rainkeeper met them there. He frowned at Mako and Wisteria.

"Aren't they a little young," He started. It was breaking enough rules just letting the dragonets inside, but Mako and Wisteria were so little- heck, they could probably slip right through the cell bars and get mauled by an angry prisoner if he wasn't careful.

"We'll behave!" Mako piped up.

"We promise!" Wisteria agreed. Rainkeeper sighed.

"Alright," He agreed. "Who wants to see a prison?"

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