Universe Alterations

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A/N: Because I've gotten so many requests, here you are. I don't really know what happened while I was writing this though...

As predicted, the next morning, Permafrost and Stardust found Ander waiting for them in the forest.

"Good evening, our latest loverbirds." She greeted them.

"Ander, it's morning." Stardust reminded her.

"Not where we're going, it's not." Ray announced, stepping into the clearing with Haze, Boysen, Shore, Apple, Ember, Rin, Parrot, and Orange.

"What do you mean?" Permafrost asked.

"In light of Rin's confession of her complex love life," Ander began.

"You little eavesdropper!" Rin yelled at her.

"I apologize not." Her twin replied. "Anyway, in light of that, we're going to show you something that Ray and I always have access to, but you do not."

"Uh, could you be more specific?" Shore asked. 

"The technical term is Universe Alteration." Ray explained. "It's basically our universe, but in a different timeline where certain events didn't happen, so things are very different."

"Different how?" Orange questioned.

"For example, there is a timeline world where Quickstrike never died, so Glory and some of the other Dragonets of Destiny are murdered, and the war ends the way the Nightwings wanted it to. In that universe, basically-" Ray gestured to Shore, Rin, Apple, and Ander. "None of you exist because Glorybringer never happened, the Rainwing tribe was slaughtered by Nightwings, and Blister is Queen of the Sandwings."

"All that because our great-grandmother lives?" Shore insisted.

"Yes. It is often the slightest changes that provoke the biggest consequences." Ander offered. "Now, we cannot take you to this Universe physically, but we can escort you there mentally."

"AKA circle up and hold hands." Ray instructed.

"Why are we doing this?" Apple asked.

"So you'll all feel much better about your current lives." Ander explained. "We could take you to the Dark Universe."

"Mea, what did I say about mentioning the Dark universe?" Ray hissed.

"You just don't like it because of what happens to me."

"I don't like it because of what happens to EVERYONE. Just you especially."

"What's the Dark Universe?" Orange questioned.

"A horrible, horrible place that you shouldn't go to." Ray declared. "Just be thankful that Dusk and Dawn exist, okay?"


"Good. MOVING ON!" Ander yelled. "Hold talons." Rolling their eyes, the group of friends circled up and held hands, with Ander on one side, and Ray across from her.

"Close your eyes." Ray instructed. "And let down any mental walls you have." The group fell silent.

"Imagine that you are standing in front of an invisible wall," Ander continued, her voice eerie and somehow soothing. "There is a thin line on the ground before you, and you cannot cross it."

"Focus on the hands you are holding." Ray went on. "Feel the connection, and watch as the wall and the line fade before you."

"Now take a step forward, not physically, but in your mind. Step over the line, and then open your eyes. Patitur amicis meis epularer intrare." They stepped...

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