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The marketplace of Possibility was buzzing with activity, as usual, when Willow, Stream, and Thistle arrived. It had been too long since they'd last visited, in Willow's opinion. Her parents, along with some of her siblings, still lived in the city, and it was about time she came back for a visit. They saw Stream's parents so often on their little island, but Willow's family was half a continent away in Possibility, so it made visiting more difficult. But since Thistle had been getting bored on the island, they figured it was time to take a trip and see Adobe, Squelch, and whoever else was roaming about.

Thistle was overjoyed about the trip. He loved the little island they lived on, he did, but there was something about the Sand Kingdom that just called to him. It called to his very blood as a Sandwing. He knew Stream understood. The ocean practically sang to her, like it did for most Seawings. Willow was the oddball, a part Mudwing part Skywing that was just as comfortable in the blazing heat of the Sandwing territory as she was in the windswept area of the Bay of a Thousand Scales. 

Willow, Thistle was sure, was definitely the best thing that had ever happened to him. If she hadn't found him, starving in that little marketplace, he'd probably be dead by now, or worse. Willow had saved him, and brought him to a home with nothing but love and happiness, and he was grateful every day. He and Stream got along okay enough, but he was always closer to Willow, and so was Stream. There was just something about her they adored, and Willow adored them in return. A perfect little family. 

They scoured the marketplace, peering at various stalls and what they were selling, Thistle being careful to not wander too far and keep his tail tucked in tight around so many dragons. It was rare for him to be in a place with so many dragons, seeing as it was usually only the three of them on their little island. But Thistle wasn't that worried about getting lost. While there were dragons from many different tribes in Possibility; Sandwings, Skywings, Mudwings, even the occasional miserably looking Icewing, there was no one around with bright blue scales like Stream. He thought he'd be able to spot her scales from a mile away in a place like this, and Willow would always be beside her, so he had no worries about getting lost.

And besides, Willow kept ahold of his talons, just in case, she told him. Possibility was usually a safe city, but danger was so common in the Sandwing Kingdom that she didn't want to risk him getting snatched up by somebody. 

They stopped in front of a small jewelry stand in the middle of the marketplace, an oblivious Nightwing and Mudwing running the stall, selling various necklaces, bracelets, and headpieces made from fancy shells and small, colorful stones. 

That was another thing Thistle was struggling to get used to in Possibility. The noise. There was so much of it, the endless cries of dragons selling camel skins of water, talonmade glassware, jewelry, offering special services of all kinds, the endless shouts of everyone talking, bargaining, yelling what they had to offer. It was mind numbing. But Thistle focused on the jewelry stand, especially as the Mudwing running it looked up, her face breaking into a smile the second she spotted them.

"Willow!" She practically shrieked, running out from behind the stall and immediately wrapping Willow in a huge hug. The Nightwing smiled from the stall, waving to them. 

"Hi Mother," Willow replied, hugging her back with a smile before Adobe whipped her attention to Thistle.

"Well look at you! You've grown so much already," Adobe hugged him tight enough to cut off air circulation, and Thistle's eyes widened. Stream caught his expression and smirked before Adobe turned to Stream and wrapped her too in a bone crushing hug. Thistle laughed at the horror on Stream's face. "How have you been?" Adobe questioned.

"Good," Willow insisted. "We just figured we'd take a little break from the ocean and pay you all a visit."

"So I heard. How long are you staying?" Willow shrugged.

"Not sure. Long enough to see Nile and everyone, for sure."

"Well that's wonderful! Cypress is coming next week with Anaconda and their dragonets," They continued catching up as Thistle found his attention wandering. He looked towards the rest of the marketplace, watching the various dragons go about their day, until he noticed another Sandwing, this one standing still, unlike the others milling about.

The Sandwing was staring at him, looking like he'd seen a ghost. 

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