Strillow and Thistle

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Willow was in a small village outside of Possibility. She was just passing through as she slowly made her way back home to the Bay of a Thousand Scales. She and Stream lived out there together, on their own little island. They joked that it was their own little territory, and they were the ruling queens of it. 

Willow liked the island, and she loved being with Stream..... But sometimes things got a little lonely with just the two of them. She knew Stream felt the same way, but neither of them knew what to do to make it better. But Willow didn't mind that much. She and Stream traveled a lot, visiting their friends in their homes all over Pyrrhia. On this particular trip, Willow was returning from her parents house in Possibility. All her siblings were moved out now, but Egret and Nile still lived in the city, and she liked visiting them when she could. It was also an excuse to raid the various markets of Sandwing Kingdom, letting Willow search for odd, interesting things to bring back that she thought Stream would like. 

But the village she was in now didn't have many trinkets. The majority of the items for sale were food, so Willow bought some for the fly home. But just as she turned away from one of the stalls, a small figure slammed past her, sneakily snatching an apple from her bag. 

"Hey!" She yelled out in surprise, as the little thief ran off. She chased after him, darting down a narrow alley and cornering the dragon.

The thief curled up in a ball on the ground, wide-eyed, when he saw her, clutching the apple to his chest. Willow studied him for a moment, noting that he was a lot younger then she had expected. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered, holding out the fruit. "Please don't turn me in." Willow's heart melted slightly at the sight of the pitiful little dragonet. 

"It's alright." She assured him, crouching down to his level and noticing just how scrawny he really was. "Keep it." She told him. The dragonet's eyes lit up in surprise.

"Really?" He asked, unsure. Willow nodded. 

"You need it more then I do." She insisted, not believing that a dragonet so young could be so skinny. "Where are your parents?"

"I don't know." He admitted. "I don't got any."

"Well, who looks after you?"

"Nobody." Willow stared at him. 

"Is that why you have to steal food?" He nodded.

"Oh my gosh." She whispered, her heart wrenching at the idea. "Do you at least have a place to live?"

"There's a shack by the doctors." He offered. "I stay there sometimes." 

"That's awful!"

"S'not so bad." He insisted. He smiled at her. "I gots an apple today!" Willow gaped at the child, making a split second decision.

"What's your name?" She asked.


"Well, hi Thistle. I'm Willow." 

"Dats a pretty name."

"Thank you." Willow paused. "So, there's not a single dragon who looks after you?"

"No." Thistle shook his head.

"Well...." An idea was forming in Willow's mind, and she knew Stream would kill her for it, but she honestly didn't care. "Would you like someone to look after you?"

"Yeah." Thistle stared down at the apple. "I used ta dream about a family that wanted me. But they never showed up."

"I'm sorry."


"Thistle..." Willow began. "Would you like to come and stay with me?" He frowned.

"I's been told not to go with strangers." 

"I'm not a stranger- I'm Willow." She insisted. "And it's either you come home with me, or I'll be here every day to stuff you full of food." Thistle's eyes widened.

"You'd give me food?"

"Sweetie, you're nothing but scales and bones! I'll give you four meals a day as long as you need it." Thistle gaped at her.

"FOUR meals a DAY?"

"Technically there's only three, but I think you'll need four to get some meat on your bones." She smiled at him.

"There's suppose' to be THREE meals in a day?" Willow stared at him.

"Yep. You're coming home with me." She announced. "Can you fly?" Thistle nodded.

"Gotta fly quick to get away with stealin." 

"Well, you won't have to steal anymore."


"Yep." The two of them walked out of the alley, heading out of the town. Thistle studied the apple in his talons, then looked up at Willow.

"You's a nice lady."

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