Deathbringer, You Had ONE Job

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Deathbringer was roaming the halls of JMA. Most of the students figured he was just patrolling, doing the security work that he was supposed to be there for...

But anyone who knew him knew he was just acting casual while searching for Glory.

And that was Deathbringer's ultimate goal, until he spotted Wren walking down one of the halls.

"Hey Wren," He offered. "What's up?"

"Not much," Wren shrugged. 

"How's Raven?" Deathbringer asked, smirking cheekily. Yes, even Deathbringer looked for ways to talk about his ships. Wren frowned, though, and the smirk dropped from Deathbringer's face.

"I'm not sure," Wren admitted. "I haven't seen him at all today, and he never showed up at our sleeping cave last night. Have you seen him?"

Deathbringer paused. First Mora had complained that Pax was nowhere to be found, and now Raven?

Plus, Rosella, Parch, and Teal had left and returned to school without anyone knowing...

"I haven't seen him," Deathbringer offered. "But I'll definitely keep an eye out."

"Okay," Wren sighed and he kept walking. Deathbringer watched him go, and as soon as the dragonet was out of sight, the ex-assassin bolted down the hall.


"IT's not my fault!" Deathbringer declared, running into Glory's office.

"What did you do now?" Glory questioned, not even looking up from her work.

"It's not my fault!" Deathbringer repeated. "You were the one who put me in charge of security in the first place, and you're also just naturally a very distracting dragon, so this is really all YOUR fault." Glory glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow.

".....So there MAY be a couple students missing," Deathbringer admitted. "But it's not my fault." Glory sighed.

"Every freaking year," She muttered, rubbing her temples. "How many students?"

"Two, that I know of."

"Anybody important?"

"Well, yeah. Pax and Raven."

"Raven is a casualty we can accept, but Pax is one we're gonna have to look for."

"Excuse me, but Raven is not some random casualty." Deathbringer objected, knowing what the hybrid meant to Wren. Glory looked at him like he'd grown an extra head.

"Did you just defend Macaw's child?" Deathbringer's eyes widened.

"Raven is Macaw's son?"

"Yeah....... Why do you look so horrified now?" Deathbringer shuddered.

"No reason. So! Missing students. What do we do now?" Glory thought for a second.

"Well, for starters, you're fired."

"WHAT?!" Glory scowled at him.

"You had ONE job, Deathbringer. Literally ONE JOB. And you FAILED." Deathbringer crossed his arms defiantly.

"Well I can't help that you're so great to look at that it distracts me from my task."

"That's not an excuse."

"What about this? I'm so used to guarding you that the change of occupation confused me, and I forgot, and started guarding only you again."


"... I just don't want to go back home by myself and be bored without you?" Deathbringer looked at her with a puppy dog expression.

"Warmer to the truth, but no." The Nightwing rolled his eyes.

"You can fire me, but I'm not leaving."

"I'll get Clay and Tsunami to drag you out."

"I'll fight them off; you know I can, and then I'll return."

"We'll seal the entrance, and you'll be trapped outside."

"You really should invest in a door- but I'd just tunnel my way back in."

"....We move the school to a different location that you don't know."

"I will find it and sneak in using the location feature on the tracking chip I have on you." Glory paused.

"If you actually have a tracking chip on me, we're getting divorced."

"Glory, I don't even know what a tracking chip is- I heard it in a scroll Rosella read."

"Good. You're still fired."

"Still not leaving." Glory rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Then go make yourself usefully and bang the gong at the front of the school- we need to have an all school meeting and do a headcount to figure out who's missing."

"Ma'am yes Ma'am."

"Don't call me Ma'am."

"Well I have a feeling I'd lose certain body parts if I called you sir."

"Just go do your job, if you can."

"Yes, my beautiful queen."

"I'm not Queen, remember? Joy's queen."

"Oh, Glory," Deathbringer grinned smugly. "You'll always be my queen."

"Don't give me that smug face." Glory snapped back at him.

"Love you too!" He sang.


It turned out that there were exactly five students missing from the Academy.

Pax, Raven, a Sandwing-Skywing hybrid, and, the most recent to disappear, Rosella and Sage.

Let's just say Parch and Teal were not too happy about those last few.

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