Prism's Not Here. Can I Take A Message?

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Mako wasn't that great at flying yet. Sure, he could take off and fly on his own, if given the proper time. But if he was just shoved and told to fly, well, things couldn't go as well.

So Mako didn't fly when Prism shoved him off the platform. He fell, letting out a scream.

"MAKO!" Wren yelled out, flying after his cousin as fast as he could. But another dragon caught the tiny prince first, and Wren breathed a sigh of relief as Mako latched onto him.

"What, did you fall off or something?" Raven asked. Mako whimpered in response, and Wren whipped back around.

Prism was standing on the platform, looking entirely calm, as if she hadn't almost killed her cousin.

"Prism, what the hell?!" He exploded. Why would she have pushed him? She knew Mako couldn't fly yet and that he'd only get hurt. "What is WRONG with you?!"

"Nothing," Prism said innocently. "I didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anyth-" Wren shook his head, and he and Raven stared at her in shock.

"You pushed me!" Mako yelped, still clinging to Raven. Prism shrugged.

"You were in my way." Raven and Wren exchanged a glance. That didn't sound like the Prism they knew.

"Prism," Wren started, narrowing his eyes at her. "How do you feel about art?"

"Art, smart. Who cares." Raven and Mako's eyes widened.

"That's not Prism," Mako whispered.

"....Raven," Wren said calmly. "Could you put Mako down and go grab some vines? I think Prism needs to have a little chat with someone." Prsim tilted her head.

"What makes you think I'd let you do that willingly?" She questioned.


Parch was sulking in his room. He couldn't wait for the summer to be over. 

Sure, he loved his family. His parents were great, Thorn was awesome, and even Sunny and Meerkat were kinda fun. But the Stronghold was suffocating. He didn't like it. Too many guards, too many watchful eyes always judging his every move.

He especially hated when Thorn had delegates or something over, and he had to act the part. The part of a lone prince, with no sister to take the throne one day. 

The Sandwing Throne was up for grabs after Haze was queen, dragons had realized. So everyone was trying to snag the Sandwing prince to better their chances.

It was miserable, especially since none of those dragons respected that Parch had a PERFECTLY NICE RELATIONSHIP ALREADY.

Speaking of that relationship, there was a knock on his door.

"Intrude!" He yelled, and the door opened.

"Is that how you greet all your guests in the Palace?" Rosella's warm voice asked. Parch shot up, his eyes lighting up at the mere sight of her.

"What are you doing here?" He grinned. "Not that I mind, of course." She shrugged.

"I got bored."

"Tell me about it. It's boring here too."

"Even with all the single Sandwings trying to arrange marriages with you?" Parch groaned and flopped back down.

"Don't remind me." Rosella flopped down beside him.

"Ah, yes, being royalty is SO difficult, isn't it?" Parch flicked at her ear.

"Shut up,"

"You shut up,"

"Excuse you, you intruded into MY room. I think that gives me the right to tell you to shut up."

"You're ridiculous."

"But you love me."

"Eh, maybe."

"Yeah you do."

"Just because I would brutally murder any of the Sandwings that dared to get too close to you doesn't mean I love you."

"Denial is not your strong suit, Sellie."

"If you say so." She sighed. "Sooooo, you're bored."


"And I'm bored."


"Sooooo now what?"

".....Is your cousin still obsessed with that psychopath?"

"You mean Prism and Cyan? Yeah."

"What if we go and kill him."

"Prism would frown upon that."

"Then we make it look like a tragic accident."

"Good idea, although she would probably know anyways."

"True. Murder is too common in your family."

"You're one to talk!"


"And besides, Prism's acting all weird anyways."

"Weird how?"

"She stopped me on the way here, for instance, and kept asking all these technical questions about if she could challenge Joy for the throne."

"Prism did that?"


"I could never see her on the throne."

"Me neither. She's always said that she didn't want it"

"...Maybe she doesn't."

"Then why ask all the questions?"

"What if she's not the one asking?"

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