Deathy Don't Care, Unless Glory Ain't There

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"Please don't tell my parents!" Wren was begging. Deathbringer raised an eyebrow.

"What's there to tell?" He asked. "You were obvious on a date- so what?" Wren stared at Deathbringer, struggling with words.

"BECAUSE!" He blurted out. "YOU JUST CAN'T TELL THEM!"

"But what if I want Rin and PArrot to know that you inherited the ability to be a smooth player in the game of love?"

"....I'm gonna ignore that you said that." Deathbringer shrugged.

"Come on, Wren, you kissed a cute boy. You gotta brag about that a little bit."

"No, I can't." Wren declared.

"Why not?"

"Because nobody knows that I like boys." He admitted. Deathbringer's smirk fell slightly.

"Wren, do you honestly think anyone in our family would treat you differently because of who you like?" Wren stared at the ground, unsure. "Because they won't. Who you like to kiss is not our business, although Apple likes to make it her business because she's got ships to sail."

"But what about my dad?" Deathbringer rolled his eyes.

"I've seen your father watch Rin kiss another girl, and he didn't care. Maybe a little jealous, because he loves Rin, but he didn't care."

"Everyone keeps telling me that he won't care, and yet, I don't believe it." Deathbringer smiled at him.

"Well, I'll put this way. If your dad, for some unknown reason, or anybody else, treats you differently because you like boys, I'll take them out." Wren's eyes widened.

"I don't think that's neces-"

"Too bad." Deathbringer declared. "You mess with my kids, I kill you."

"I'm your great grandson."

"That still makes one of my kids." Wren smiled.

Maybe Deathbringer had a point.


"Okay, Kelp." Joy declared, sitting on the Rainforest throne. "What's the most ridiculous, dramatic pose a Queen could have?" Kelp raised an eyebrow. "Because I was thinking it looked something like this."

Joy leaned back into the side of throne, tilted her chin up, and held her talons to her forehead dramatically. Kelp let out a laugh.

"I can SEE your ego rising." He commented. Joy grinned and went back to sitting normally.

"I should get a throne." She insisted. "The King and the Queen of the rainforest, side by side in a dramatic pose war." Kelp tilted his head, pondering the idea.

"There's a lot more to being Queen then a dramatic pose." Glory offered, entering the room.

"I know," Joy sighed. "But a Queen's gotta have a little fun!" Glory grinned.

"That's why," she began. "You make the most fun dragon you know your bodyguard. Then you'll have entertainment all day long."

"So Dad's the most fun dragon you know?" Glory rolled her eyes.

"No- he was just the hottest."

"Oh, well, in that case- Kelp, wanna be my bodyguard?"

"No thanks." Kelp insisted. "If I get too many titles, Coral will rise from the grave and kill me."

"Screw Coral- I'm Queen now, and she isn't. Therefore, I overpower her."

"She's dead."

"Then I REALLY overpower her." Kelp facetaloned, shaking his head. Glory cleared her throat, forcing Joy to shift her attention towards her mother. "What royal duties must I partake in, Mother dearest?" Glory rolled her eyes again.

"For starters- save the sass for when you're off the throne, or the Icewing Queen will eat you alive. Secondly- the JMA school year is starting soon, so I suggest you figure out who the rainforest will be sending to attend."

"And will you be at JMA this year?" Glory shrugged.

"I'd love to help out my friends for the year, but I highly doubt Deathbringer would let me out of his sight for that long- and he is NOT coming along."

"Then I hereby declare that you go to JMA, Deathbringer free!" Joy proclaimed.

"It's not that easy, Joy."

"I'm the Queen- I can make it that easy." Glory smirked.

"Oh, it's not a rule that's going to stop you- it's the sheer fact that Deathbringer is impossible to keep away from me." Joy smiled and tented her talons deviously.

"Challenge accepted." 

Glory walked away, laughing.

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