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"Really?" Rosella demanded, storming into Glory's office, where she knew Deathbringer would be. She glared at the assassin. "REALLY?"

"Really what?" Deathbringer asked innocently. Glory sat back, content to watch this unfold.

"Did you HAVE to threaten and attack my boyfriend?"

"Oh, so he is your boyfriend. I thought you were still in denial about the whole lovers thing." Rosella crossed her arms.

"You are such a child." Glory burst out laughing.

"You have no idea!" She agreed. Rosella scowled.

"Why did you marry him?" She demanded. Glory raised an eyebrow.

"Have you seen him?" She asked. "Hot Nightwing. Saynomore." Deathbringer smirked.

"So you married me purely for my looks," He commented. "Good to know."

"Shut up Deathy." Glory shot back. Rosella rolled her eyes.

"Well can you please try to keep your husband under control and prevent him from ATTACKING Parch?" She questioned. "That would be much appreciated."

"Oh my moons, you're like a little me!" Glory proclaimed. 

"That makes Parch a mini me." Deathbringer insisted. "I approve." Rosella groaned.

"Just DON'T KILL MY BOYFRIEND." She ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Deathbringer said sarcastically. "Your lover will remain unharmed."

"He's not my lover!!" 

"Deny it all you want, honey, but we all know it's true." Glory offered. "They did the same thing to me- Hell, I'm still denying it."

"Very true." Deathbringer agreed. 

"You guys are so weird." Rosella muttered.

"Well get used to it- we're your future." Rosella looked momentarily horrified, and ran out of the room.

"I ship them so much." Deathbringer sighed. 

"Roarch? Parsella?" Glory wondered out loud.

"Definitely Parsella." Deathbringer confirmed.

"Won't it be problematic though, seeing as Haze is heir to the Sandwing throne? Her only child is Parch, so Parch will have to have a daughter to be heir, but Rosella is also heir to the Rainforest throne, and her daughter would also be considered an heir."

"So basically, what you're saying is that Parch and Rosella's daughter could be queen of three tribes."

"Yes. That could end badly." Deathbringer thought for a moment.

"Oh hell no, that'll be awesome."


Pax was highly skeptical about his sister's obvious crush on Russet. He just didn't get why she liked him so much.

"I don't understand." He declared. "It's Russet. What's so special about him?"

"He's beautiful." Aria sighed.

"....That's it?" He raised an eyebrow. Aria shot him a look.

"Alright mister. What do you like about Aurora?" He paused.

"You've got me there." He admitted. "Alright, so Russet is pretty- that doesn't mean he's worthy of you."

"But he's so....dashing." Aria proclaimed. "And spicy." Pax cringed.

"I don't think that's a good word to use to describe someone."

"Oh yes it is." Aria grinned deviously. "Muy picante."

"That's gross."

"You're gross."

"How am I gross when you're the one calling someone spicy?"

"Because you're too infatuated with Aurora's beauty to notice that your SOULMATE is like RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU." Pax glanced around.

"I don't see them."

"Figuratively front, hermano. Maybe you should stop looking at Rora, and start looking for your true amore."

"True amore is impossible to find."

"Mother and Father have it."

"Mother and Father were brought together by the stars. That won't happen for me." Aria smiled mysteriously.

"The stars work in strange ways, dear brother. You never know how your soulmate will find you." She sighed. "Maybe she already knows, but you're the clueless one in this puzzle of love."

"Why are you always so cryptic?"

"Because I can be."

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