News, News, News

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Ander's day always started the same way. She'd wake up, eat breakfast, and ask the stars if there was any new vital gossip about her family that she should know. If there was, then she'd spend the day torturing someone with the information. If there wasn't, then she'd have to make other plans.

Most days, there wasn't any gossip for her.

But today she was given a bombshell. Multiple bombshells, in fact. 

"No!" Ander exclaimed, as one of the stars fed her a delightful piece of information. "No way!" Ander gasped. "Her too?" The rest of her family didn't react, completely used to her random outbursts. 

"What are the stars up to this time, Ande?" Shore asked. She grinned smugly at him.

"The better question," she declared. "Is what YOU'RE up to, mister." Shore looked confused and Ander clasped her talons together happily.


"Where might your wife be at this time of day?" Ander demanded, leaving Shore even more confused.

"Orange? She's probably out looking for fruit, why?" Ander didn't bother to respond before running out of the room.

"What was that about?" Kelp questioned.

"I have no idea," Shore frowned.


"Orange!" Ander cried out, startling the Rainwing.

"Oh, hi Ander." She greeted her. "What's up?"

"What's up with YOU?" Ander echoed. "Anything new? Exciting? Fear-intising?" Orange gave her a deadpan look.

"The stars already told you everything, didn't they?"

"Oh yes they did!"

"Dammit." Orange swore, glancing around to make sure no one was watching them. "Do NOT tell Shore." Ander gaped at her.

"You expect me to keep news of this proportion a secret from one of the few dragons who MUST be aware? That's ridiculous!"

"I'm not keeping it from him, I just.... I haven't told him yet."

"Well tell him!"

"I can't!"

"Then I have to!"

"No!" Ander sighed.

"He has to know, Orange. Either you tell, or I'll spill." Orange looked anxious.

"I just don't know how to tell him." She explained. "We never really talked about this sort of thing before."

"Say it in the simplest way you can. Shore will understand."

"But what if he doesn't?" Ander smacked her on the head.

"Which one of us has access to the future?" She demanded. Orange glared at her.

"It's MY news to share, and I will tell him when I'm ready." She shot back.

"Well tell him as soon as you can, Naranja, cause if you don't, I shall." Ander turned to leave, but Orange grabbed her arm.

"Wait!" She insisted. "Could... could you tell me something? About it?" Ander paused.

"What would you like to know?" Orange paused.

"Boy or girl?" Ander shook her head.

"I'm afraid my lips are sealed on that one."

"Well, is it at least healthy?"

"Yes, everything in that category is good." Orange relaxed in relief.

"Thank you." Ander nodded.



Shore met up with Orange in the forest later that day, and he instantly noticed her nervousness. Orange wasn't a dragon who got nervous, so he was slowly growing concerned.

"I have to tell you something." Orange explained ominously.

"Okay," he replied. "What is it?" Orange stared at him, trying to figure out the best way to go about this.

Should she just blurt it out? Should she make him figure it out? What way would make him react the best?

"...Orange?" Shore finally questioned, looking slightly concerned.

"What?" She asked, jumping back to reality.

"You've just been staring at me for like three minutes. What do you have to tell me?" Orange took a deep breath, deciding to do this in the bluntest way she could.

"You know I love you, right?" She demanded, looking him in the eye and resting her talons on his shoulders.

"Of course."

"And you love me?"

"Of course I love you!"

"Well, good, because I'm having your dragonet."

Shore froze.

"....What?" He finally whispered, his eyes wide. Orange fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"We're gonna have a baby, Shore."

"....Holy crap."

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