What Does it MEAN?

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Parch paced the floor of his sleeping cave, his mind racing.

Rosella was gone. Missing, just like four other students. 

That was bad. That was REALLY REALLY EXTREMELY DESTROY THE WORLD BAD in Parch's mind.

But there were also four other missing students. That was bad too.

And then there was the symbol. The Hybrid Pollution. Parch knew that had something to do with all of this- he could feel it. But what did it mean?

What was Hybrid Pollution? And why was it written in a different language then Dragon?

What did it represent? Boysen had let slip that it was a place, but where? And how did it tie into the Hybrid War? 

What was everyone hiding from the history scrolls? What had happened in the Hybrid War that was so awful that no one would speak about it now, and why did it relate to the disappearance of Rosella and the others?

There were so many questions, and Parch only had one lead on finding any answers.

"For the love of the moons, STOP PACING." Teal ordered. Parch stopped.

Oh yeah. Then there was the matter of an even more moody then usual Teal, who was pissed off, and somehow thought that Rosella, Pax, and Sage's disappearance was all Parch's fault.

Because Parch was definitely evil. Totally. The dude who loved teaching baby dragonets to play games, and liked hanging out with his friends.

Yep. That's definitely the normal character traits of a mass psycho evil super-villain.

Or whatever Teal thought he was.

"What are we going to do?" Parch asked out loud.

"There's nothing we CAN do." Teal insisted. "We have no leads on who took Rosella, Sage, and the others, or where they are."

"Not true." Parch retorted. "We have one lead." Teal turned to look at him, waiting expectantly. "The Colors of the Wings."

"You're still thinking about that stupid symbol?" Teal questioned. "Rosella is MISSING!"

"And I am completely positive that this symbol has something to do with her disappearance." Parch declared. "Think about it. The symbol shows up here, out of the blue, and then my father says JMA is about to become a dangerous place, and now BAM! Five students are missing, all of them conveniently hybrids when guess what? The symbol means Hybrid Pollution. You don't think that might be connected?"

"I think that all I want to do is find a way to help my family and my friends," Teal insisted.

"And this is how we do that." Parch proclaimed. "We need to visit the Colors of the Wings. Somebody there has to know something about all of this. Mother said Fiji might be willing to help us, but I'm not sure who that is."

"You need someone who's been to the Headquarters before." Teal concluded. "Someone they already trust enough to let you inside so you can find Fiji. Got it. I've never been to the Colors of the Wings, Parch."

"But Prism has."

"True. Then go recruit her- why are you wasting your time on me?"

"Hey," Parch offered. "You said you wanted to help your family and your friends. And besides," He smirked. "Doesn't a little part of you want to come along and be Sage's hero?" Teal went still.

".....So, Prism, huh?" He asked, expertly changing the subject.

"Prism." Parch grinned. "We get her, then we sneak out and head for the Headquarters, find Fiji, and get some answers."

"But the school's practically on lock down. Deathbringer's actually doing his job for once. We'll never get out." Parch smirked.

"We'll get out." He confirmed. "Deathbringer and I have an understanding."

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