A/N: The End!

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"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story." -Frank Herbert

3 books, 393 parts, more characters and words than I can count, and probably the most complicated family tree of all time. I've been writing this series for what seems like forever now, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really really sad to see it end, but like all good things, it has to. 

So I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone reading this. Thank you for reading, for voting, for commenting, and for making this series what it is because honestly, it wouldn't have made it this far without all of you.

Heck, I never would have even made a second book, let alone a third, if you all hadn't liked this so much. Your comments inspired new plot lines and new characters (also ships too, I didn't do much planning with this series, so some times I was just as surprised as the rest of you with what happened).

I would do a special shoutouts to literally everyone who has ever read this series, but it would take forever to name you all, so EVERYBODY GETS A SHOUTOUT, YOU'RE ALL AWESOME AND AMAZING AND I'M SO GLAD YOU STUCK THIS SERIES OUT TO THE END!

But just because the series is over doesn't mean everything has to end. Truth or Dare is going strong, so these characters will live on through T or D, and if you ever miss them, you can always come back and reread your favorite parts :)

I'll probably do some editing of all the books in the series, just to correct some typos and stuff and to try and make it even better than ever.

But for now, the series of JALGFY, LATSSS, and LTCC has finally come to a close. 

Special thank yous to:

__starcrossed__ and  Majoritybrush48 for the beautiful covers of LATSSS and LTCC.

 ActiveArtist Qibli1 SnowslashChaos and everyone else helping out on the Graphic Novel version of JALGFY

 SugareeSweet for helping me name Rainkeeper. I have no idea how different this series would be if he was still stuck with a name like Darkcolor lol

And SUPER SHOUTOUT TO Ruler-of-Fandoms because waaaaay back when JALGFY was just a one-shot, you asked for a sequel, and that spiraled into the three book series it is today, so I guess I owe you a big thank you :)

And MEGA SHOUTOUT OF COURSE, to Mrs. Tui T. Sutherland, for creating  WOF in the first place because if she hadn't, none of us would even be reading this page right now. 

And now that my sad goodbyes are over....

....And because I love writing WOF fanfictions....

I'm actually listening to the comments in T or D, and I'm making a Sunny and Deathbringer cop show. When that will come out, I cannot vouch because school just started, but IT WILL HAPPEN, AND IT WILL BE AWESOME! More information about it will be leaked in T or D later, but for now...

It's been a fun ride, everyone :)

Have a great day, and thanks for reading.


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